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Alice smiled gently over at her mate, as she yawned quietly and rested her head on the cool glass window. Alice felt content as she glanced at the rearview mirror and saw Jasper fully relaxed in the seat behind Emery, listening intently to her heartbeat.

At first, Alice was wary of the Swan, because of how she saw Bella coming, but couldn't envision her mate coming along. Living, if you could call it that, for so long, she has inevitiably become suspicious of those who were not her family.

When Jasper came along, she knew that with him, is where she belonged. Turning into a vampire was something she had never imagined. Living out a long life was something that she had hoped for while she was once young and alive, unaware of the danger that would eventually come along and change her perspective on the world. But unlike how she thought it would change her for the worst, it instead changed her for the better. Although she was always positive and kind, becoming a vampire allowed her to truly see the good in people. With Edward, she saw a young man that eventually became a brother to her. She saw a young man who although despised himself because of what he had become, love those around him, who were just like him. With Emmett, she saw a trustworthy and loving brother. Who although was often times overly playful and enthusiastic, was an amazing listener and comforter. With Rosalie, she saw the embodiment of strength. With Rosalie, she saw tragedy turn into something beautiful. A woman, who although still struggled with trauma, begin to love again. A woman who is beginning to love herself again, while loving those around her. With Carlisle and Esme, she saw nurture and understanding. She saw love that she thought she'd never find after having to leave her family behind. She saw the beauty behind letting go and starting anew, although she knew that letting go was never always that easy.

But as she drove her car over the uneven pavement that shook her tires and listened to the soft breaths that escaped her mate, as she looked over and saw the newest edition to the family she called her own, resting peacefully in her presence, she realized, that the best things in life don't have to be something you have already seen before.

Emery awoke once again as her head lolled from side to side on the window of the humming car, her eyes slowly opening.

Realizing that she was still with Alice and Jasper, she lurched up from her slouching position, her cheeks beginning to flush. Looking over to apologize, she began to relax as she saw Alice already parked outside of her childhood home, resting her upper body on the center console as she grinned back at Jasper, who was speaking to her in a gentle hum.

As if noticing a change in her breathing pattern, Jasper pauses mid sentence and looks over to his other mate, a smile appearing as he took in her squinted and tired eyes glancing back at him shyly.

"Well, sleeping beauty is awake." He announced playfully, biting back a laugh as Alice turned around and pretended to be surprised, full out grinning as she slapped his knee and turned to face front.

"We just got here, don't worry." Alice said in a placating tone, causing Emery to sigh out and nod, her cold fingers now wrapping around her too-long sweater sleeves.

Glancing over at her home, Emery was glad to see that the living room lights were now off and so was the light in her fathers room. Worrying about coming home late, Emery glanced at the clock and relief flooded her as she noticed she still had ten more minutes to get inside.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Emery looked back at Jasper as he cleared his throat and made his way outside of the car.

Alice let out a quiet snort as she realized what her mate was going to do, and bellowed out a laugh as Emery's cheek caught ablaze as Jasper opened the car door for her.

6:14:19 → j. hale, a. cullenWhere stories live. Discover now