The Acceptance Stage-Phase 3

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I would lie if I say that it is easy to move on from all the darkness and the sadness from one day to another.We need to understand that this stage is not a process but a journey;a journey of finding yourself again;a journey of loving yourself again;a journey of appreciating the way you are again;a journey of building your self confidence.It takes time,days,weeks,months or even years to build yourself again but in the end it is all worth it.For me personally,it took me months.Every months,I was appreciating something new about me.I started to show myself love only and today I couldn't be in a better state of mind.But how you may ask.

First of all you have to develop your own perception of yourself.You cannot keep thinking of yourself as how others see you.It is not because others call you ugly that you are ugly.It's not because you are labeled as dumb by others that you are dumb.It is not because others don't like your voice,height,skin,hair that they are not good.Ask yourself and as I said YOURSELF,what is your own perception of yourself.Appreciate your physical attributes.You may have thick,thin,overweight,muscular body but baby your body is BEAUTIFUL,HANDSOME AND PERFECT the way it looks.It is not because others have a judgmental and short minded minds that do not let them appreciate your body that you should not love it too.You have a body to die for.There's not a perfect type of body that exist or a body you desire when you love your body.Being thick or thin makes you cute,good looking,hot,pretty.It is not because the society create an ideal type of body size that you should have that body type.Love your own body.And if you don't like how it looks,then get the body you want.If you wanna do surgery on it,then do so.If you wanna lose/get weight,then do so.IT'S YOUR BODY.You are the one who decides how you wanna look and if you love it or not.Only you should have an impact on how you see your body not others.

Secondly,you need to make the people that makes you feel bad about yourself stop.You need to get these people out of your lives.Talk about it to people that you care;your parents,siblings,friends,colleagues,teachers,boss;people who will help you.If you are bullied at school,report these people to your principal.If you are bullied at work,report it to your boss or to the police.If you feel physically,sexually or emotionally harrased by someone,report it to the police.Do not just sit around and keep giving them the right to destroy you.They do not have the right to do so.You are the one who decides who talks to you and how they talk to you.Sitting around and letting them hurting you,it's like giving them the right to bully you and this is not right.You have the right and the possibility to change it.So do so.

The last step is to stop comparing yourself to other people.I know you feel like other people of your age,gender,ethnic group,religion look better,do better things,sound better,etcc but it doesn't mean that you are not good.When you go on social media and you see beautiful and handsome girls,boys, transgenders and non-binary people,it doesn't mean that you are not as beautiful as them.You need to understand one thing.Everyone is beautiful and unique in their own way.Someone may be good in music,someone else in acting.Someone may be good in fashion,someone else in sports.It's what you do that makes you beautiful. You may not be good in doing something but you may be good in doing something else.If you wanna post cover of you singing do so;if you wanna create a youtube channel do so;if you wanna post a tik tok video do so.It is YOUR LIFE,YOUR DESTINY.You are the only one who can choose how you want it to be.Always remember: BE YOU, DO YOU. And do not let no one change you because you are flawless the way you are and no one can't ever change that.

When you are able to get into that state of mind,it means that you are ready.Ready for the final stage. THE PERSONAL GROWTH STAGE.

Next chapter out on the 1st May

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Next chapter out on the 1st May

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