35: Wine🍷

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"Drugs from your skin,

high like skyscrapes."

-Ooh by Jon Bellion.


Things were great! The sun blessed us with her rays, clouds floated lazily in the blue sky, the earth hadn't stopped rotating and I had Asa, beside me.

My hand squeezed hers as I maneuvered through the Lagos traffic, a wide grin on my face.

She looked up at me, eyebrows arched, an amused smile on her face. "Did you win a lottery? You're even happier these days."

I said nothing, basking in her essence, just smiling at her and squeezed her hand again. Delicate, soft hands.

She had agreed to leave school early and come back home with me today. Hopefully, we'll have a few hours to ourselves before my mum comes back.

"I don't get it," she said with a frown, forehead wrinkled in deep thought when I parked the car in the parking lot of my home.

"You don't get what?" I asked her, tugging her hand so that she'd face me, when she looked away distractedly.

I smiled at her when she gave me her full attention.

"How come you get a Bugatti and this large ass Range Rover, while your mum just owns a Honda."

"Oh! That." I laughed, my thumb, rubbing circles on the top of her palm. "I've always had the range rover and my grandpa got me the Bugatti for my seventeenth birthday. Also as a thank you gift for persuading my mum to come back to Nigeria, he gave us the house."

"Wow!" She whistled. "Your grandpa loves you."

I waved her off. "He's into oil and my mum is his only kid. He just doesn't know what to do with all that money. He knows he'll die soon, anyway."

"Don't talk about an old man's death like that, Kam!" She slapped my arm. "That's insensitive."

"Ouch, Asa. You wound me!" I feigned pain, clutching my hand to my chest. "Tell you what!" I recovered easily, taking her other hand in mine. "You can kiss it better, yeah?"

I flashed my dimples, shamelessly, knowing that she couldn't resist them.

"Fine," she relented, after giving me a long, hard glare. "Just one kiss, right?"

"Just one," I promised. "Two if I behave."

"I give you an inch and you take a mile." She smiled at me, her voice getting softer, tender affection in her eyes, and I recalled her saying something similar, months ago, when we first met.

"It's all or nothing with me." I whispered, suddenly getting serious.

My entire body, my bones, my soul, tingled to feel her, longed to collide with her and when she leaned in, her lips touching mine, I exploded.

A sip, a drop of her, wasn't enough for me. I wanted the entire ocean that was Asa. Drinking in the sweetness of the wine in her red lips, tasting the chocolate scent of her beautiful skin, I deepened the kiss, pulling her on top of me.

She straddled me easily and we pushed and pulled with a cataclysmic force that should have obliterated us... But didn't.

My fingers dove into her coily black hair, grabbed the nape of her neck to take control of the kiss. I felt the skin of her waist, soft hips while her fingers tugged on my hair, weaving through the curls, pulling until I felt delicious pain. Traced invisible paths on my chin and started wildfires in its wake, pulled at my shirt, pulling me to her, longingly and desperately.

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒆 | 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora