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The Fiction Awards 2020

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Hey guys,

I hope you're all staying happy and healthy in the midst of the world's madness right now. It can be really tough and I know a lot of you are struggling, so drop me a message here to let me know how you've been. Has your life been interrupted massively? What do you now do everyday? Have you picked up any new hobbies or read any good books? Let me know! ❤️

I'm writing this message because it's the exciting time of the year again where thefictionawards are back to celebrate all the amazing stories Wattpad has to offer. A few of you have been lovely enough to nominate Dead If You Do and it means so much! It would help a lot in the competition if you  could also nominate the story so it has the best possible chance to move onto the next round. Who knows, you might also find your next favourite book there!

Dead If You Do has been nominated for the following categories:

- Best Plot
- Best Plot Twist
- Best Protagonist

This is only the first stage, so make sure you pop on over! 

You can nominate a book in multiple categories, so if you feel it better suits in another, don't hesitate to nominate it there too! However, you can only vote for Dead If You Do once per category, otherwise your votes won't count. Make sure you read through the Rules & Information to ensure you are commenting correctly otherwise, again, your vote won't count.

If you feel that Haley's story is deserving of this award, it would mean a lot if you could pop over and give it some love. Make sure to let me know that you've done it here so I can say thank you personally! ❤️

Lots of love,

Dead If You DoWhere stories live. Discover now