chapter 20

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Eliana POV

I scream into my pillow as the skin of my top lip feel as if they are under a flame.

He tried to kiss me.

Heat stains my face as I sit up.

Our noses touched.

I take a deep breath and try to relax myself as my pounding heart races to get the better of me. My vision swims and the world floats once more. It leaves as fast as it comes, but instantly sobers me.

Last time I felt like this, it lasted longer and Liam started listening to every word I said.

Is this something inside me?

I shake my head. Whatever it is, it worked once and then went away.

I'm not going to stress about it. I'm with Noah and I escaped my prison. There's no need for it here.

My heart still pounds quickly in my chest.

What did I even say to Bethany?

I throw my head in my hands.

I almost forgot because of Noah, but I might've really ruined my chances with the pack.

They love Bethany and I just came at her. Sure they were smiling as Noah and I left but that might've been to please the Alpha.

I shake my head, putting my hands back down on my bed.

I stood up to a bully. I can't keep apologizing for things that I do. If I'm going to make it as Luna, I have to take the first step and I did. I finally did.

Speaking my mind made a whole new side of life reveal itself to me. I don't have to keep my eyes to the floor anymore, or let people degrade me. I won't be punished for doing what I want to and for the first time since I came here, that's real.

I lay back on my bed.

Even if the pack ignore me or call me names, I did what I wanted to. Fuck everybody else's opinion.

I smile.

Fuck everybody else's response.

I'm living how I want to. I'm free.


The pack never has lunch together, some people either go out to eat or stay home and make their own food. I made my own food today, but noticed a group going out to the human world for lunch.

I've never seen the human world. When I was little, books and movies were my only exposure to them or their world.

While we live in the forest, they live in big metal boxes and tall ones too in what I think they called cidies?

I shake my head as some wolves bring in dinner. Sitting next to Noah, I have to distract myself with thoughts or I might just stare at him the whole time.

The chair next to me is noisy pulled out and my eyes snap to Bethany pouting beside me.

Why would she sit next to me? Is she planning something?

I stare at her silently.

She scratches the back of her head and clears her throat.

"Look, I'm not going to apologize. Maybe some of my comments were uncalled for but it did what it was meant to do. I guess I'm glad you finally said something to me." She avoids eye contact, as her arm remains by her nape.

My eyes widen.

I thought she would hate me.

"So you don't want to cuss me out right now?" I ask. She scoffs.

"I wouldn't say no." She grins at me and a smile graces my lips as well.

I guess she isn't a horrible bitch.

"Then we are good." I nod at her and flinch as Noah's hand grips my knee. I glance back at him and he smirks at me.

"I'm not annoyed by the sight of you anymore." Bethany says, shrugging. I nod.

"And I can say whatever the fuck I want to, to you." She laughs and I join in soon after.

I was sure she was going to hold this against me forever but... grudges don't last here either.

Noah's POV

"There was a breach of our territory and you guys say you found a toy?"

My men nod as Kai stands besides me as we watch our warriors line up in front of us under the cream light of my office.

One wolf takes a step forward, presenting the toy with open hands. A black barbie doll lies on his palm. I take a step closer.

My eyes widen as my nose catches a whiff of the smell.


They're finally making their move, huh?

"There's also this on the doll's back," the wolf says, flipping the plastic on to its stomach. I stare at the craved in letter written on the back of the figure.

She belongs to us.

I clench my fist and jaw.

"That's enough, leave." The men nod, noticing my mood shift and file out the room. Kai remains, holding the doll.

"This is from her old pack." He says. sniffing it.

"It swells a little weird though." I say,

Kai takes another sniff and nod slowly.

"It's like their scent is waning, becoming a mix of something else." He notices.

They've been suspicious since we met them.

I sigh and shake my head, standing up from behind my desk.

"Don't tell Eliana or anyone about this, tell the guys the same thing." I slip past him and head on my way to my room.

She doesn't belong with anybody but me.

"Where are you going?" Kai asks, leaning on my desk, messing up my paper stacks.

I'd care about that if I wasn't in such a hurry.

"I can't let Eliana be by herself too long. I don't want to worry." I close the door behind me, seeing only a split second of Kai's grin.

He'd make fun of me if I stayed there any longer.

I head up to our floor.

I knew they would come knocking at our door soon enough the way they protested against Eliana coming with me. They'll have to get through all of us before they reach Eliana.

She didn't deserve to be pack slave, and although she hasn't told me anyone could tell she's struggling to change her mindset from back then.

She's going from a slave to the Luna of a pack. It's hard.

I stop at her door, placing a hand against it and another at it's knob.

I have to protect her. I promised.

Twisting the door open, my eyes train on Eliana's sleeping form.

My feet move towards her, like a moth drawn to a flame, I can't stop.

Stopping beside the bed, I slip in under the covers next to her.

As I breathe, tingles shoot up and down my body.

Her presence drives me wild.

I'm always so close to ripping off her shirt and sinking my teeth into her, completing the mating process by marking her. But I don't want to hurt her. She's not ready for it. I can wait. I'd wait forever.

My arms wrap around her waist and I sigh from content.

As long as she's in my arms, I'm happiest.
6.02k ~ 5/22/20

Woah we went up more than a thousand views in two days. We hit 5k and 6k! That's crazy guys thanks so much for reading!

Update on the 24th!


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