6 | little do you know

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Little do you know

I know you're hurt while I'm sound asleep

Little do you know

All my mistakes are slowly drowning me

Little do you know

I'm trying to make it better piece by piece

Little do you know

I, I love you till the sun dies


One-week post-breakup

'I don't think we should do this. What if... What if he's not even there?' I tried to reason with my friends as I parked the car a block away from Jared, Liz's boyfriend's house.

'What if he's with his other friends?' I said. It was very probable.

'I have good information on his whereabouts, Cara. Don't you worry,' Liz said, waving off her hand in my direction.

'I'm not worrying,' I muttered under my breath and we started walking towards Jared's house.

'This is so exciting!' Alice squealed. She was carrying a small bag filled with things we would need for our... mission. She called it revenge. I was against revenge. There was a certain hop in her steps as she swung the bag around.

'Do you want me to carry it?' I asked her.

'Are you kidding? I wanna be a part of this. I've never done anything like this before. This is the only good reason I can see of having a boyfriend. You can get back at him when he becomes your ex,' she rambled and then sighed wistfully. Liz and I shared a look.

Her look said, 'Why did you bring her along?'

Mine retaliated, 'I don't know! Maybe because it was her idea?'

She rolled her eyes at me then looked at us both, still walking.

'So, the plan is simple. I will in go first and distract Jared then you both sweep in, do your job and out we go,' she said.

I waited for a beat.

'Your plan sucks. What if he's awake? I doubt even both of us together would be able to fight him,' I said pointing at Alice and my chest.

Alice nodded. 'Not with all those muscles,' she grimaced. 'And that height.'

'He's so tall,' I agreed.

'Yeah, he's tall,' Alice repeated.

Liz ignored both of us, walking ahead.

'Why can't we use that pic? Why can't I just post it on social media and be done with it?' I suggested.

'What pic?' Alice asked.

I took out my phone from the back pocket of my jeans and Alice crowded my space to look at it. It was the pic where he was wearing one of my tops. The pink lace one.

Liz didn't bother because we both had already laughed our asses off when I first showed it to her.

Alice chuckled. 'Let's make posters of this and put it everywhere eyes can see,' she said. I wasn't sure if she was joking.

We paused in front of the house.

'Let this be on record that I'm being peer pressured into this,' I said.

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