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She wasn't in Art.

I sat still; eyes trained on the door not bothering to attempt any painting.

Her scent was there and it was fresh which means she did come to the class at some point. I was really hoping she was just in the bathroom.

The minutes tick by and still no sign of her.

Fuck this.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I announced to the teacher rather than ask and she just smiled.

I really did head to the bathroom just hoping that for some reason she was there but before I even opened the door I knew my mate wasn't in there.

Did she go home?

She had skipped lunch...maybe she wasn't well?

Arrgghh it's impossible to figure out how girl's minds work. For all I knew, she was just on some diet or something.

Wouldn't hurt to check her house though.

I went out through the side entrance to the school that most students; especially the humans, didn't even know existed and practically sprint towards Gracie's house.

There was no car parked outside so I took it her parents weren't home. I considerd taking a chance and knocking on the front door but even I knew it would be weird for me to just show up.

I figured out Harry's old bedroom must be her's now. I let out an involuntary growl thinking about Harry.

The bastard.

I headed round to what I assumed was her window. Her scent was strong so I knew she was in there. There was an old oak tree right outside her window. I looked around to make sure there were no nosy neighbours to call the police about a boy peeping in a girl's window.

It was still pretty early though, kids were still in school and parents were at their jobs. Reassured, when I didn't see anybody, I swiftly jumped unto the branch directly outside her window, being careful to hide behind some big leaves and looked in.

She was sitting at her desk, her long hair flowing down her back, bent over some book.

So she skipped class to.... study?

As if she sensed me watching her, her head snapped back and I quickly ducked out of sight. She seemed to go back to her book but then stood up and shut her curtains.

Alright, alright I get the hint. I'm going already.

I jumped back on the ground soundlessly and decided to just go home.


"Your father said to see him immediately you get home" The guard said as I walked into the house.

"I don't have time for the old man right now" I said and started to walk away but he blocked my path.

"Your father said to see him immediately you get home" he repeated like a robot.

What did he want now!

I headed to his office, shoving the guard with my shoulder as I walked past him.

"You ordered?" I said, walking into his office without knocking.

He didn't look up from the papers he was studying, "Sit down Grayson"

"I'd much rather remain standing if you don't mind. And my name's Grey."

He looked up then and met my eye "Sit. Down."

As much as I would have loved to walk out of that room, this life and slam the door on my way out, even I knew when not to mess with him. He's still the Alpha.

I flopped unto one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"Why were you late to yesterday's meeting?"

Is that what this is about?

"I had stuff to do." No way in hell I was telling him about Gracie.

"You are not a child anymore, Grayson. You have to start taking your responsibilities seriously"

I couldn't help but laugh. He had got to be kidding "Well, Alpha, let me remind you, I am just a pack member not one of the pack leaders. I have no special responsibilities to this pack. I showed up, didn't I?"

He growled. "Do not forget who you are talking to"

"I assume I have been properly scolded. I'll take my leave"

He didn't stop me as I walked out of his office.

Responsibilities? Fucking hilarious.



My stomach growled loudly, disturbing the peace of the library and I sipped some more of my bottled water. This wasn't my first fast but I had never felt this hungry before. I remembered I hadn't eaten since the previous day's lunch and even then I'd had only a banana.

"Ugghhghhh" I groaned as pain shot through my stomach. I'd already missed most of my classes and I figured it was time for Art now.

I stuffed the Calculus textbook I'd been trying to study into my bag and proceeded to drag myself to the Art class. I thought about stopping by the nurse's office to get something for my stomach pain but she'd probably want to know when last I'd eaten.

I walked into the class and flopped onto the my stool. Not surprisingly, Grey was nowhere to be found. I clutched my stomach as pain shot through it again. I couldn't do this. I really couldn't. I couldn't sit upright for the next hour. Luckily the Art teacher hadn't arrived yet. I walked right back out of the class and headed home.


"Tamara Grace?" Mum called out as I closed the front door.


She stuck her head out of the kitchen. "Why are you back so early? Are you sick?"

"My stomach hurts"

"Aww honey" she went into the kitchen and then reemerged, drying her hands slightly on her apron. "Sorry. You just have two more days of fasting"

She placed her slightly damp hand on my forehead. "You'll be fine. Why don't you go upstairs and study your passage?"

"Mum, can I just eat something? Just a little...I won't tell d-"

She immediately stepped back from me, her eyes hardening "Tamara Grace. I believe I raised you better than this. I don't know why you believe I would sin against God and disobey my husband. Go to your room and study your passage, your father will be in to discuss it with you after we have dinner"

It was clear the conversation was over. I don't even know why I tried honestly. She didn't give me any food when I was 6 and had to fast for two days for mistakenly breaking a plate, why would she give me now?

One day down. Two to go.

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