Chapter Twenty-Four

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The next day came around all too quickly in Thea's eyes. She was still at the base, which Dana had explained to her mother, Lani. Fortunately, Thea had been in good company with Peia providing distraction in the form of rambles about the greater universe and her childhood on Tuldrox.

"Forget what I said about Jeremy," Thea said then.


"I mean, I still don't like him. I just..  shouldn't have told you that he was the one to expose everything when I don't know that for sure. I was just angry," Thea admitted.

Peia turned to her then and sighed gently as she nodded.

"It's okay," she said then, as she looked towards Thea.

"Maybe," Thea replied.

"Its just the scientific community for the study of extraterrestrials and this base have existed in secret for too long now for someone to just come along and mess that up. For all of us. Yet, someone wants to."

Peia looked towards the ground then, slightly saddened in the fact that someone, and they didn't know who exactly, but somebody had come along and disrupted their privacy. They didn't know how long it would be before the government and subsequent others found them. Peia didn't want to think about it.

Thea placed a hand on Peia's shoulder in a consoling fashion as Peia  just grabbed her into a hug.

"We will be okay," Thea said.

"I really hope you're right," Peia replied.

It was the next morning thst Colt wandered to Dana's office in order to talk to her.

In all honesty, Colt was worried about the invasion.

He had never exactly taken kindly to strangers, which explained why he had been so withdrawn from Aurora when they had first met.

Now, though, he was more concerned for the safety of his people than he ever had been previously.

Dana, too, had her concerns about the incoming Tuldrox and what it meant for her people. Months ago, when she had first met Peia, she hadn't been sure whether she could trust her. Over time, though, the two of them began to grow closer and she forgot the fears she had. This was different, though. She didn't know how many Tuldrox were aboard that ship for one thing, and she didn't know what they were going to want, for another.

"We will deal with it as and when it comes."

Colt turned to Dana then and gave a nod.

That was all they could do.

About half an hour passed after that before Peia joined Dana in her office.

Colt had left to do chores around the base but had wished Dana well as he had done so.

"Hey Dana," Peia said with a friendly tone of voice.

"Hello, Peia," Dana replied.

She eyed her friend more closely then, noticing that she looked more tired than usual.

"Are you alright?" she asked her.

"I didn't get much sleep. Thea Chadwick was here yesterday," she told her.

Dana looked a little surprised at that.

"Oh? What did she need or want?" she asked.

Peia just exhaled.

"She thought Jeremy was the one that had exposed the community...then she admitted that she may just be biased because she doesn't like him very much. Anyway, Dana, point is that we still have no clue who has told them all about us."

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