author's note

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i've never been good at talking about how i feel, or dealing with trauma in any way. at least, verbally. i write what i feel, and i'm fairly skilled at it. it's how i work through most things.

i started off simply writing conversations between me and people whom i couldn't or shouldn't contact, just to tell them what i wanted to say and never got a chance to. but then, suddenly, other characters were added, and before i knew it, i had a book in my hands. so, even though it was never my original intention, this story has become extremely personal to me. in a way, this book is everything i wish i could tell this specific person i went through all of this for.

now, regarding the picture at the beginning; please, do not judge my terrible drawing skills!! i thought it would help to understand where the story takes place if i made a picture of it, so hopefully, it does just that.


make me stay.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ