The Battle of the Bands | 23

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By the time I woke back up, the house was dark and I'd altered slightly from my position on the couch. My head remained on Maxwell's shoulder but we'd shifted slightly, the two of us in more of a cuddly position. Trevor and Charlie were long gone, leaving the two of us alone.

And as much as I wanted to stay in this position with Maxwell, I knew if we stayed that way too long that we'd be sore when we got up. Slowly, I sat up against the couch and stood up, shaking Maxwell's arm lightly.

He stirred for a moment before his eyes cracked open, his eyes glazed over with sleep.

"Hey, we fell asleep," I whispered, unsure if everyone else had gone to bed but not wanting to wake anyone up.

He blinked a few times and nodded his head, slowly standing up from his position on the couch. The two of us made our way upstairs, checking Charlie's room to see if that's where he and Trevor were.

After creaking the door open, I saw Charlie and Trevor both sleeping soundly, so I decided to change into my pajamas and sleep in the guest room.

Once I'd finally found my bag, I hurried to the bathroom and changed clothes, then went to the guest bedroom and laid down. After shifting around for a moment, I finally got comfortable and closed my eyes, drifting back off to sleep.


When I awoke for the second time, someone was shaking me slightly and I peeled my eyes open, meeting a pair of golden orbs.

"Hey, it's almost eleven so I figured you'd probably want me to wake you up," Maxwell said, his voice thick with sleep.

I mumbled a reply and slowly got out of bed, grabbing my bag and heading for the bathroom. Once I'd changed into some clean clothes, I grabbed my toothbrush from the last time I'd stayed the night and quickly brushed my teeth, then exited the bathroom and headed towards the kitchen.

Trevor and Charlie stood in the kitchen, arguing about whether they should have pancakes or waffles.

"Hey, I have an idea! Why don't you two shut the hell up and we can have bacon and eggs!" Maxwell cheered, smacking the two of them upside the head.

The pair muttered something under their breath and Trevor glanced up, his eyes meeting mine and a knowing smirk forming on his face.

"So, how was your night, Ms. Thompson?" Trevor's smirk grew as my cheeks flushed.

"Fine," I replied, not acknowledging that he'd somehow learned my last name and sitting down at the bar.

"Mhmm, just fine." he grinned, sitting down next to me, "You better spill the tea and tell me what happened, girlfriend!"

I rolled my eyes slightly and stifled a laugh.

"You sound like my mother, and I mean that in the worst way possible."

Trevor's smile quickly diminished, a scowl replacing his usual grin.

"You're so rude to me, Kylie," he sighed, rolling his eyes exasperatedly.

"Right," I drawled out, propping my elbow on the island, "So what's on the menu today, Chef Walker?" I asked, glancing between the brothers.

"Some cyanide if you don't watch your tone," Charlie said halfheartedly, a smile tugging at his lips. I laughed in return, waiting until our late-breakfast was finished cooking before striking up a new conversation.

"So, are you two going to the dance tonight?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at Trevor and Maxwell.

"Yup, together." Trevor grinned, wrapping an arm around a scowling Maxwell.

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