chapter twenty-two

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The next few days passed without incident. Nora found herself avoiding Eli at school rather successfully. Other than Chemistry, she didn't have any classes with him, so she only had to worry about bumping into him in the hallways.

At night, when her brain was restless, she distracted herself with music. She'd finished up all of the artist's Daxton Cavenaugh entries and sent them off to each artist for submittal. And now, she was just about finished with her entry. She'd been fiddling with the sound and her voice over and over. She didn't like the sound of it. Except, when she messed with it too much, it became overproduced and sounded fake, so she had to strip it back down again.

Tonight, she had the night to herself to work on her entry and finalize it. The weekend was coming up, and Felicity had canceled their session tomorrow, so she had plenty of time to catch up on possible new songs for her artists and study for her upcoming Literature exam.

Nora closed her laptop and stretched. The tiny white digital clock on her desk in her room read 10:16 pm.

With a yawn, she went downstairs to grab a glass of water. It looked like she'd get some sleep tonight. She couldn't wait.

Nora went upstairs and fell asleep right as her head hit the pillow.


That night, Felicity blew on her thumbnail as her phone rang. Eli Leonger's name lit up the screen. Despite the anticipation lighting her veins, she waited to answer it.

One ring.

Two rings.


"Hello?" Felicity answered.

"Felicity, it's Eli."

Creator, his voice was even deep and husky over the phone!

"Hey, Eli," she giggled. "So you do have my number. I was afraid you'd lost it."

"Yours? No. How could I?" He joked.

She shrugged, though Eli couldn't see it. "Just my normal doubts."

"Well, get rid of them," he said. "Listen, I wanted to plan out tomorrow with you. You have a second?"

Felicity glanced down at the nail polish at her feet and her half-painted left hand. "Sure. Can't take too long though—I have to finish up my contest entry tonight."

"I just want to hash out the details. If I'd known Daxton meant that much to Nora, I would've set something up a while ago—"

Felicity's lip curled. Really? For Nora?

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