He's so stupid.

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"It's funny how we see them everywhere

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"It's funny how we see them everywhere." Charlotte said, pointin'.

I looked at whea' she was pointin', seein' Kentrell and the rest of them.

"Best bitch!" KD and Ben yelled, comin' over to me.

I got swept off my feet and into the air.

I giggled. "Hi."

They set me down and hugged me.

"Oh KD, and ben this is Charlotte, and Caleb. Caleb, and Charlotte, This is Ben and KD." I spoke, pointing out everybody.

"Hi." Charlotte said all shy and shit.

"Wassup." Caleb dapped them up.

Kentrell and the rest of them came over to me, hugging me.

"You still get around a lot even with a boot on." Ben chuckled at me.

I had just got my cast off a couple days ago, my ankle wasn't quite ready yet so I had to wear a boot.

It was better then a cast and a crutch, so I wasn't complaining.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, its way better." I told them while sipping some of my Pepsi.


"Hol' up!" KD yelled. "Let's take a moment and admire the fact that my good sis ain't got a attitude." KD said.

Everybody bussed out laughing and I mugged. "Nigga ion always got an attitude." I said.

Everybody stopped laughing and looked at me with a straight face.

"Come on now, don't lie." Charlotte said.

"We'on even know you for real. And already know that you lying." Kentrell said.

"Exactly, told dat mane to his face, you'n like him." Ben laughed.

Their Security people let out a luh chuckle as well.

I shook my head, not finding anything funny.

I'm not mean.

"So whatchu doing hea'?" Boom asked, coming up to us with a hot dog in his hand.

"We came hea' ta' shop wit' some friends." I said.

"Oh, it's more of you?" KD asked with a disgusted look.

"Why you say it like det? I thought I was best bitch." I said.

"You is best bitch, but them .." he pointed to Caleb, and Charlotte. "Are just bitches." He told me.

I smacked him in the back of his head. "Stop being mean lil boy."

He was finna say sumin, but he knew not to.

Then Rihana, and Tristian came out of the food court with our food in they're hands.

I snatched mines right quick and started eating on my fries. Ian eat in a couple days, folks whea' I stay greedy as a bitch. You'n come down when they first call you, you'n get no food.

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