Chapter Six: Welcome To Nevada Hills

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When I woke up, it was five pm. I yawned and stretched in my seat, looking at Shawn whose head was on my shoulder. I kept my hand behind his head balancing myself in my seat. The bus was shaking due to the rocky highway. I lightly pushed him towards his seat, keeping his phone in his backpack which was above our seats. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I checked my Instagram and Twitter for any trends.

Fifteen minutes later, the bus took a left and the bus bounced down rough gravel. I was jerked in my seat and cursed the driver for not driving slowly. I looked out and saw that the bus was rounding around a restaurant. There were many people seated in the open-air seating. There were cute little umbrellas that were above the table which shielded the customers from harsh sunlight. I fanned myself. Sweat was sticking to my head and face and I was feeling completely disgusted. The bus stopped in the parking area and the engine was turned off. The driver got off the bus.

Cassy was staring outside, her palm under her face. Shawn was snoring softly. "Yo, where are we?" Cassy asked, stifling a yawn.

"I don't know." I replied shrugging. My legs ached and my hands were clammy. I woke up Shawn. He stared at me in sleepiness, his eyes red.

"Why has the bus stopped?" he asked me, rubbing his eyes.

"Meal time." I said, closing my eyes. I slumped further down my seat, crossing my hands over my chest.

Mitch clapped his hands, getting our attention. "Guys, please gather down for snacks." he said. "Bus leaves in twenty-five minutes." Everyone got to their feet and one by one, everyone got down the bus. When we entered the restaurant, it was almost full.

I sighed in irritation. "Great."

Cassy and Shawn couldn't agree more. "I swear if we don't get food, I will die from starvation."

Shawn was rubbing his palm over his tummy. "Is there any other eatery nearby?"

I and Cassy had no idea. Shawn took out his phone and searched for nearby eateries. He scrolled up and down the screen, engrossed. "Uh, um," he murmured. Then his eyebrows shot up. "Uh, hey look at this!" he said. We huddled around his phone, looking what he found. "There is one a bit away, from here. Like fifteen-minute walk." He said.

I glanced at Cassy. "Would Mr. Kavanaugh allow us?"

"We could try." She said.

There were many students from our bus waiting outside the restaurant, anxious to get food. We approached them quickly. "Hey guys!" Shawn said, getting their attention. They looked at him. "I was wondering if you would want to go another eatery nearby." He asked, gauging their reaction. Some of them shared looks, while some were still sceptical. "If we don't get food before the leaving time, we will starve on the way."

One girl spoke. "Will Mr. Kavanaugh allow us?"

"We can ask him." he replied. "Also, we are going in a group, we will be safe." He added, noticing her discomfort.

Mr. Kavanaugh was eating his pasta when I and Shawn approached him in the bus. The others stood near the door, watching our interaction. Shawn did all the talking. He seemed to be very good at convincing someone when something wasn't going his way. Mr. Kavanaugh glanced at him, then poked his pasta with the fork. My stomach rumbled in hunger. I was getting irritated as I watched him slowly chew his pasta with the white sauce oozing from the edges. My mouth watered.

"Sir?" Shawn asked him, waiting for his answer. Shawn couldn't stand still. His courage seemed to be wavering as the minutes ticked by.

It was when he finished licking the last remnants of his fork, that he nodded. "Fifteen minutes extra." He said. I sighed with relief. I looked back and gave the others a thumbs-up. They were overjoyed.

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