13 - Bitter Pill to Swallow

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Chapter Thirteen

Antoine's POV

Humiliation burned through me. I wanted to sink into the ground, let it swallow me, and be lost in an abyss of black around me. But it wasn't just the humiliation of everyone's eyes on me, trying to imagine what I'd been through. It wasn't that there was this stigma that came with victims of abuse as if "I should've just left" or that I thought Ace beat the shit out of me because "he loved me". I knew it was abuse all along.

What infuriated me is that they thought Tobias had did it to me. They saw the young, bruised boy next to the tall, tattooed man and thought he struck me. The girl was just trying to help, I realized that, but my feelings didn't care.

Tobias stuck beside me as we left the store, this time noticeably closer, like he was trying to shield me from everyone. I hadn't realized it, but now that I paid attention, I noticed the little glances from passersby.

"I'm sorry," I muttered, my arms coming up to cross against my chest on their own accord, as if that would somehow give me back an inkling of comfort.

Tobias paused his glares at the people around us, swinging his stare down to meet mine. "Why are you apologizing?"

I stared straight ahead, my gaze burning so hard that everything in front of me got fuzzy, blinking away to force a single-minded focus on my thoughts. "You knew what they all thought."

"Fuck what they thought." The sharpness of Tobias's words had me looking up, watching the anger cloud his face. "They'd still think worse of me if I came alone. They'd see the tattoos, the Brotherhood of Cain wolf tattooed on my neck, and mutter behind their hands to their friends."

I doubt they were only staring in fear. Tobias was tall, lean, sculpted. His face was chiseled, his cheekbones high and haughty. And his face was set in a perpetual guarded look. He looked like a predator constantly on the prowl, calculating, deadly. Women ate that shit up with a spoon.

Great, now I was acting like a child who didn't want to share its toys. Not that Tobias was mine or a toy...much to the displeasure of my dreams of late.

"Well, you don't have to worry about me whispering." I gently shoved my shoulder into his, watching that smooth stride stumble and a surprised look come my way. "If I don't like something, I'll let you know."

Tobias's eyes heated, and that lazy, hungry look filled his face. "I'd hope so."

My shoes made a loud squeak as I stumbled. A soft chuckle came from him.

I glanced around, trying to calm the embarrassment that flooded me. This time, I was grateful for it. If I was only embarrassed because I stumbled in front of the graceful wolf beside me, then it was a good day. I'd be subjected to all types of embarrassment, torture meant to humiliate and shame. Tobias wouldn't do that.

Most of the stores here were meant for rich Northerners, but there were a few places I could afford with the money I bought. Having Tobias pay for the shoes was enough, and having him buy anything else, take care of anything else, was a bitter pill I refused to swallow. I made a mental note to write down the cost of the shoes in my journal. He would be paid back for everything.

"I found your friend."

My thoughts halted in their tracks. I glanced up at Tobias. "Bowie?"

Tobias made a face as he nodded.


"What do you mean—what?" Tobias countered.

He dropped the face, carefully staring at me. We pushed past a group of teenage girls as they squealed and headed into Hollister.

"You made a face about Bowie. Why?"

Tobias stared straight ahead, leaving me to look up at the smooth expanse of his throat. The Brotherhood of Cain wolf tattooed there growled at me. "I didn't make a face."

He clearly made a face. He must've found something he didn't like. When I stuck around with Bowie, he was into some shady shit. I knew he wasn't a good guy, no one in Citadel was. But I thought—I don't know what I thought when I mentioned him. Maybe I was just clinging to some delusional past that never even happened.

"What did you find out?" I asked again. "You clearly just made a face."

Tobias smoothed out any lingering trace of the odd look he gave me earlier. "I found him and he's doing great now."


I slowed, passing in between two families. Tobias led the way, guiding us to whatever destination he had in mind. "Great now?"

"He did a stint in prison for three years for burglary, did his time and got out." Tobias cringed. "Then proceeded to break in and steal five cars on the outside. He spent a couple more years in the pen and was released six months ago."

A wry smile came to my lips. "Yup, that's him. Bowie liked fast cars, a little too much. And he likes other peoples more. He had sticky fingers, but he always shared."

Tobias didn't seem impressed. "His parole officer said he's straightened out, got a job at some furniture warehouse. I have the address."

I couldn't imagine Bowie working somewhere as seemingly boring as a furniture warehouse. He always had a short attention span, and that was why he could never hold a job. He bounced from job to job, house to house, place to place. Then again, so did a lot of people in Citadel. It was a big city, and there was always some new opportunity kids like Bowie would latch onto at the time. That's part of the reason we had separated as friends, he found a new score and I had found Ace.

Or more like, Ace found me.

I thought of what had transpired so soon. I had left Ace and the Iron Fists. Left the abuse and violence. Left a life full of fast times and quick death. And found something...different. The candy shop and safety. And maybe something else. I glanced at Tobias. "I'm glad. We all deserve a fresh start."

The words felt weird from my mouth. My life has always been dangerous and unsafe. There wasn't comfort for a long time. Now my job brought me comfort. My routine brought me comfort. The only thing that was not comforting was the unreadable presence beside me currently.

Tobias looked uncomfortable at my words, almost like he was going to say more. Instead he kept silent, nodding.

We walked a little while longer, until Tobias veered right and turned into an athletic clothing store. I quirked an eyebrow, following suit and staring at the vast space filled with gym wear. Racks brimmed with brightly colored clothes, vowing compression and performance support. Tobias didn't strike me as a big sporty guy. I glanced at him.

Then again.

Tobias wasn't overly muscled like a weightlifter or competitive athlete. There was no specific target to his muscles, they just developed from daily use and performance. I had never seen him exercise, but when he got back from his daily trips he was always well worked and worn out. The transformation from human to wolf probably only strengthened him.

"I want you to pick out some clothes."

I blinked, snapping out of my thoughts and onto the hangers Tobias pushed into my arms. "What? Why?"

"You need them," he said, as if that explained why he brought us to this specific store. "They're going to be good for the gym too."

"Uh, the gym?"

"Yes, I'm taking you to the gym," Tobias announced, like this was something we had agreed and spoken on. He guided us toward the dressing room, while I cringed and backed away.

"I don't need these clothes to do that then."

Tobias shot me a look. "What clothes will you wear then?"

"I have some old sweats."

Tobias didn't let up. "You're going to be able to box in them?"

New laptop, new house, new headspace...let's start writing :)

Enjoy this small taste of the interesting adventures of Tobias and Antoine to come. I'm not setting a strict writing schedule, but figure a chapter every week.

Love y'all!


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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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