Bonus Chapter-II

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"Up next, Dr.Bianca Romano." With that the claps erupted from the audience.

"Proud of you mum." The voice came and Bianca glanced around the audience to find her five years old son, Nicolas Romano on her husband's shoulder.

As she shook her hand with the chiefs, she descended down the stage and ran towards her family. "You finally made it." Her husband whispered in pride lowering Nicolas to his arm and embraced Bianca with one arm.

"I did, didn't I?" Bianca giggled.

"Yes, you did! Double doctored Bianca Romano, you are amazing." Alessandro whispered and nuzzled in Bianca's crook.

"Eww." Nicolas scrunched loudly making both his parents laugh.

"Ready to go home?" Alessandro asked and Bianca nodded in affirmation.

"Let's go." Little Nicolas wiggled getting down from Alessandro's arm and ran to the exit.

"Slow down, champ."


"Surprise!!!" The voice echoed once the Romano family entered the mansion.

Bianca was immediately engulfed in a bone-crushing hug by Lina. "Welcome, Senior child specialist Dr.Bianca Romano. We all were eagerly waiting for you. Finally we can start our party." Lina gushed and kissed her cheek.

"Did you-" Bianca turned her head towards Alessandro getting a nod from him.

"Just a small gift," Alessandro muttered.

"Small? You have thrown a full-blown party and you think it is small? Am I not the luckiest one?" A drop of tear ran down Bianca's cheek.

"It was nothing my angel, you are worth everything and I don't need a reason to spoil you but your achievement is worth celebrating with our people don't you think so?" Alessandro raised his brows questioning her.

"Enough, you two lovebirds, if I didn't know you both from ages, then I would have thought you are newly budding couple of the town." Darren interrupted.

"Says the one who is going to be a father for the fourth time. Only the difference is your PDA is locked in your bedroom and I can't hide mine anywhere." Alessandro glared at Darren holding Bianca by her waist.

"I really think we conceived the baby on our kitchen counter this time." Darren blurt without thinking making Bianca choke in air.

"Will you two stop bickering with each other and give lesser information to the audience?" Bianca accused both of them.

"Only because it is Bianca's day," Alessandro muttered making dread eye contact with Darren.

"When will you both grow-up? You both have children now." Bianca sighed dramatically.

"I wonder the same sometimes," Nancy interjected the conversation walking with her eight months big belly.

"How are you feeling Nancy?" Bianca asked to the pale woman in front of her.

"Dehydrated, I have peed for the nth time that I think I will make my bed in washroom." Nancy huffed.

"I am sorry you had to attend the party rather than sitting in comfort." Bianca felt sorry about it.

"It's okay Bianca, there is only a single person that should be sorry about the whole trouble." Nancy glared at Darren.

"What did I do, woman?" Darren raised his hands in surrender.

"If you had not spilled your seed inside my hole, I would not have been exhausted every time," Nancy shouted making every head turn their way.

"Alright both of you, we don't want the audience in your private matter." Alessandro shrugged. "Good afternoon everyone, Please don't mind the words of a hormonal pregnant woman and please enjoy the party," Alessandro announced and took the wine glass from the waiter rose for toss.

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