Chapter 15 - Everlee

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It was turning out to be such a fun night before Catrina showed up, I think as I wash my hands in the bathroom sink. She is such a vulture when it comes to the kings and it really is pathetic. As I leave the restroom I look over just in time to see her kiss Ryder. I feel my wolf growl aggressively in my chest and turn towards the bar instead. I need a drink or five, to deal with this shit. I just got done ordering a shot of tequila when I feel someone come up behind me. I just assumed it was one of my friends so I was going to ignore them like the petty bitch I am but I jump when I feel Troy whisper in my ear. "Hello sweetheart." Moving to sit on the stool next to me. I shift in my seat so there is more space between us as the bar tender sets down my shot. "I have a feeling I am going to need two more of these." I tell the bar tender before throwing back the shot.

Honestly I probably shouldn't be drinking more. Dom has been supplying us all with beer and shots throughout the night and I was already a little tipsy before I came over here. "Make that four shots." Troy says before the bar tender walks away. "I didn't take Troy Stark for a bowler." I goad him while I wait for my shots. "I'm not. I come here for the cheap beer." He tells me as the bar tender places our shots in front of us. "I bet you five bucks I can finish my shots before you." I tell him with a smile. "You're on sweetheart." On the count of three we both down the shots and I finish just a second before him. "Ha! I win, pay up." Troy hands over a five dollar bill that I hand the bar tender. "Here is a tip." I tell him causing the guy to smile. "Thank gorgeous. Anything else I can get you?" "Yes! Two more shots. I want to forget my name tonight." I tell him with a laugh. "I'll take two more as well." Troy throws in and the bar tender fills our glasses back up.

This time we clink the first glass together and down the shot. Troy leans super close to me causing me to lean way back. I nearly fall out of my chair. "Go out with me tomorrow night sweetheart?" He asks and in my drunk brain I am trying to remember why dating him isn't a good idea. After all Troy is a very good looking guy. Just look at those dimples and all those muscles. I am yanked out of my thoughts when I am literally yanked out of my chair and placed on the ground behind Ethan and Evan. "Really Rock twins? I didn't see or hear your sister call you over. We were just talking. Weren't we sweetheart?" Troy says and I just giggle. I feel La La grab me and pull me back and I stumble a few steps farther back. "But La La my shot is still over there." I tell her and she just rolls her eyes at me. "I thought you weren't going near him anymore." She angry whispers at me. She looks so cute when she is angry. I take my pointer finger and boop her on the nose. "I am or was or whatever. He came up to me I was just sitting there. I don't own the bar Delila-la." "Oh gee you are wasted. How many shots have you had tonight?" I start counting on my fingers but give up after a while. "A lot and my other one is still on the bar." I tell her making me a gimme motion with my hands. Ryder walks right past me grabs my shot before walking back over to me. I am excited thinking he is going to give it to me when he literally stops in front of me to drink MY shot. "Jerk face." I mumble. "Did she just call Ryder a jerk face?" Dev asks and I burst out into a giggle fit. "Hey my loves, Troy isn't worth it. Help me get your drunk sister home." La La tells my brothers and they immediately listen. Where was she was we were little. They never listened to me. Even when I didn't want to get sent away. I am taken by surprise when Ethan walks right up to me and picks me up like I am a little baby. I start the giggle fit all over again. "Evan pay her bar tab, La La grab her purse and shoes for her please babe." Ethan says as La La takes off my ugly bowling shoes. I boop Ethan on the nose just to see what he will do. "I love you big guy." I tell him and watch as a slow smile spreads across his face. "Ever, you are going to be trouble aren't you?" He says kissing me on the forehead.

I don't think my brother has kissed me on the forehead since we were real young and honestly it melts my heart. I giggle and realize we some how made it to the car already. "Did you just teleport? Ethan do you have a gift too?" I whisper shout at him causing him to laugh. "No Ever, I walked. You are just so fucking drunk." He says placing me in the back seat of his jeep. "If you say so big guy." I say giving him an over exaggerated wink. I hear the others outside of the car and I think they are saying good bye to my brothers. I open my door and lean out to yell goodbye nearly falling out. "Goodbye my kings." I yell at the top of my lungs. Evan shaking his head walks over to me and pushes me back into the car climbing in with me. "Babe you can sit up front with Ethan, I got drunk as a skunk Ever." "Skunks don't even drink Ev." I say crossing my arms. "I bet skunk shifters do." La La says from the front seat. "I didn't even think about that! Can you imagine being a skunk shifter? That must stink." I burst out laughing. "Get it? Stink." More laughter. "Because they are skunks." Laugh some more. "Man I am funny." I say wiping tears from my face. "You certainly are something." Evan says before ignoring me to start a conversation with the others. I hear him ask La La if they can stay the night with her, and its the last thing I hear before I pass out. I don't even hear her response.

The Mate Keeper : Everlee's Beginning Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum