Chapter 6

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Sabrina looked in the mirror, getting ready for the day. She had long black hair that draped over her shoulder neatly. Her golden eyes stared past her thick lashes.

'This girl is evil?' Sabrina questioned in her head before hearing her door creak open.

"Sissy may I speak with you?" Victoria peaked her head in. Sabrina might be beautiful in some eyes but Victoria is gorgeous.

"Oh um yes." Sabrina nodded and directed her attention to Victoria, who glanced out the room to make sure no one is near. She shuts the door quietly, assuming the coast is clear. Little did she know, she missed a very important part. Blaine was coming to her room with a tray of breakfast. He was about to knock before he heard talking.

"What'd you do to my brother?" Victoria asked, cornering Sabrina.

"What do you mean?" Sabrina raised an eyebrow and continued to brush her hair.

"Did you seduce him or something?" She glared.

"Seduce? I'm only seven...." Sabrina mumbled.

'I'm a freaking seven year old! How am I supposed to seduce anyone?' She thought.

"Well just watch yourself." Victoria scoffed and grabbed the neck ribbon on Sabrina's neck, ripping it off and dropping it at her feet.

Sabrina opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but didn't. She bent over to pick up the ribbon before being shoved and falling on her butt.

"Well I'm leaving. I can't stand to be in a room with the likes of you." Victoria said glaring down at Sabrina. She strutted to the door victoriously as Sabrina let out a sigh.

"B-brother?!" Victoria jumped back shocked to see him at the door.

"How long have you been here?" Victoria asked growing red to the face.

"I- I just got here." He gave her a tight smile.

"Oh- okay! I was just making sure sissy was okay." Victoria smiled, not noticing the slightly disgusted look in Blaine's eye.


I finally picked up the ribbon and took a peek in the mirror. I'll have to get this fixed sometime.

Then I noticed Blaine who walked into the room. He set a tray down with breakfast on it.

"Oh I was going to come down." I nodded giving him a smile.

"I wanted to bring it up to you." He frowned as if deep in thought. He looked to me like he was going to say something but clamped his mouth shut as he looked at my neck ribbon in my hand.

"What happened?" He asked skeptically.

"Oh I just got into an accident." I smiled. Even if I told him, he wouldn't believe me. He cherishes his sister too much to think ill of her.

"Hmm okay..." He mumbled and took a seat on my bed.

"Thanks for breakfast." I smile sitting down at my desk.

"W-well it's not like I wanted to! They asked me-" He flushed. What a silly reaction!

"W-well if you didn't want too..." I looked down and fiddled with my hands. Gotta put these acting skills to use.

"H-hey don't look so dejected!" He stuttered, reaching out to me.

"Just kidding~" I laughed turning around to face him. He had a worried look as he was about to touch my shoulder. His worried face contorted to bright red.

"You're mean!" He yelled running out of my room and slamming the door behind him.

I laughed lightly. How silly. Maybe it won't be too boring around here.

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