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Not Again!

"At least our school gained 2 points." I said after he told me so many rants. We ate breakfast and I just still can't believe how talkative he gets when he's with me. He always kept his strong and serious facade which made the girls want to get his attention more.

"Well that is not the point. What if you got hurt? I'm sure the other rank 10 students will be interested--"

"Soul as long as you see me I'm safe." I said and drank my strawberry juice. He stopped ranting after that. He sighed and gave me his strawberry juice as I finished mine. I smiled. He knew I wanted more.

"I need to go to my post. You stay here and be careful." he said while looking at his watch. He would be at the rooftop. In case things get overhand he's back up for everyone. I must say it's his decision after all but he just chose to be there because he doesn't want the crowd.

"No fighting! I'm watching you."

I stood up and observed what is going on in this place. A lot of unfamiliar faces. Well including my schoolmates are "unfamiliar" for me. I'm bad at socializing well maybe because I used to be alone all the time. I saw some familiar faces. The one who we fought at the street battle task.

"Oh Ace right?" sabi nung isa. I'm sure Rage and I fought him before. I nod. He smiled brightly and handed his hand. "I'm sorry from before, I was just being cocky." he said. I accepted his hand.

"You're really not a talker, are you?" he chuckled. "I'm Mist and this is Arrow. We fought at the street battle task for the last three months."

"Yah." I said. Arrow on the other hand who is way more tall than Mist, he doesn't talk a lot. I felt something fly from my back and ducked down a bit. I was right! It was a tennis ball and because I ducked down Mist was hit by the ball. My eyes grew big. Oh no!


"I'm sorry, I should not have ducked down." I said. Arrow just looks at me in a weird way.

"You knew it was coming while you don;t even see it? Cool." he said. Mist tossed the ball back to where it came from and I saw Rico. The one who wants to get Auee from us. He was smirking as he caught the ball Mist threw.

"Ace I heard you injured Brett." he looked mad. Mist and Arrow are just at my back.

"Yeah~ but don't worry he can still walk. I just sent him into shock by tearing his ligaments." I said in defense. He launches some punches and kicks but I dodge it and Mist and Arrow was abrupt to hold him down. I thanked them.

"Unofficial fighting is prohibited in this school. If you want to beat me, challenge me into a fight." I said and stared at him coldly. His face twitched in pain as Mist held his arms and pinned it to the ground.

"Motherfucker! What the hell is happening here?" A loud voice filled the area. I glance at the man who owns the voice. I frowned as I saw P and Cello holding their lunch. I waved at them.

"Hey Ace. What's going on here?" Cello asked. Arrow and P gazed at each other like wolves protecting their pack. "Nah--"

"I'm challenging you into a battle!" He cut me off. Mist let go of his hands and he stood up tapping the Royale scanner.

"Rico. Rank 2 of Rosette. 2404 points." the scanner said. I sighed and tapped in. I did not bother to look at Cello and P, I'll face them later.

"Ace. Rank 3 of CEU. 2550 points." I frowned. 2550? so my points went up too after winning that game. Rico looked shocked when he heard my points. "I-Impossible. You're just a girl!" he exclaimed.

"She's our ace dimwitt!" I hear P blurted out. The scanner started to countdown. When I heard the cue I ran towards him and launched some kicks and punches. He wasn't expecting me to be this aggressive but I didn't put a lot of effort in those punches. He looked stunned but he was able to catch up.

We are both serious. But I don;t have plans on taking him down like I did to his friend, Brett. I caught his hand and pulled it and gave him a punch straight to his stomach. He spit out some blood but he recovered. A shiny silver thing flew in my sight. It was no ordinary thing, it was needles! But it would be just needles, I'm sure it's poisoned.

"Motherfucker! Students back out! those needles are poisoned!" I heard P say and drop his plate and started to evacuate the students away from us. We can't deal much casualties because of this fight. Good thing P was quick and Cello helped him. Rico smirked and chuckled a bit.

"Brett is just my pacemaker. I'm the real King of Rosette." he said. "Who cares?" Without any notice I ran forward to him and jumped to throw some kicks directly to his face. He backed down and threw some needles at my direction but I was quick to react. I picked one of his needles and threw it towards him. I smirked when he noticed something pierced his bare skin.

"A taste of your own medicine." 

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