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May 2019

Los Angeles

Outside of courthouse

Today was the first day of the trial, to say I was nervous was an understatement, no word can describe what I felt...

Going up those stairs and into that place will never be calming or relaxing...

I will always be scared of the consequences of putting somebody behind bars, not because of them, but because of the media and their perspective of me or my job.

I only had to wait a few minutes, before the accusation called my name to the stand.

Right before I sat down, I put my hand over the bible and the officer said the words: "You do solemnly state that the testimony you may give in the cause now pending before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God."

After the official moment started, I sat down on the chair and my heart started beating rapidly and I just wanted to get out of there as fast as I could.

"So... Officer Brooks... Can you tell us how you got involved in this case?"- The prosecutor asked facing the jury.

"All of this started one day in January... All I thought that I was going to do was paperwork for a case that my partner and I finished the day before."


January 2019

Los Angeles

FBI Headquarters

As soon as I left my car, I was stopped by my partner, Richard.

"The boss wants to see you, and just you, for some reason"- He starts talking while they get into the lift.

"Good Morning to you too."- I snaps sarcastically. "Did he tell you why?"

"Nope."- He says as the doors start opening.- "Good morning"- He wishes walking away.


I walk towards the boss's office and stand there for a few seconds before knocking and walking right in after I hear a small, muffled 'come in'.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Ah! Madison! Yes, please have a sit."

Trying not to piss off the man in charge, I sat down right away.

"Great, now. I have a new case for you."- He says while passing me a slim file.

"You have nothing on this? How am I meant to work?"- I snap after opening that same file and read the first few words.

"That's why you are going undercover. The only person that will know about this is the boss, and that's who is in the file. You will be working with the IT team that he has."

"How long?"- I ask wanting to get away from this office.

"You don't even know your assignment..."

"Then tell me."- By this time, I was getting frustrated.

"Somebody on his team put a virus in his system that transfers every file to an unknown place. Your job is to stop it and find the person who did it and where it's going."- The boss explains.

"You know I can do that quickly, right?"- I wonder looking directly into the bosses eyes.

"Do you know their signatures?"

My only reaction was to roll my eyes and sink into the chair.

I, obviously, didn't know but I was too proud to admit it.

"I know you don't like going undercover, but you are the best hacker we have. You are the only person who can do this job. And the guy asked for you, specifically."

And that was the moment where I frowned.

"Asked for me? I don't know him..."- I muttered while opening the file again to take a better look, but he didn't remind me of anyone in my life.

"I don't know... it was kind of weird too... But you start tomorrow and it will last as long as you want."

UndercoverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon