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I walked in to the room in the back of the warehouse were everyone else was. Abby's been missing for two days already and no one has a location Logan yet. Right now it feels like theres no hope.

"We need to find her" I sighed standing beside my brother, who was observing a computer with a couple other guys.

"We're trying" one of the guys said, I think his name was will.

"Well try harder" I snapped. Why was no on talking this serious? This wasn't some missing dog, it's my sister. My baby sister.

"It's okay Olivia, we will find her" Thea told me with a sympathetic look. I hated that look, it was the same look everyone was giving me. That look wasn't gonna bring back my sister.

"No. It's not okay! Abby's missing and know one knows we're she is" I yelled waving my arms in the air.

"Calm down Blake" raven smiled. Did she except that to help? Why was she smiling, couldn't she at least take this seriously?

"No don't tell me to calm down! My sisters missing and know one gets that!" I cried falling on to the floor. I was exhausted.

"Olivia" Jacob said kneeling down beside me. "We will find Abby. I promise"

"You can't promise that" I snapped. I don't understand how he's keeping it together so well, Abby's missing. She's gone.

Jacob knelt down beside me pulling me in to his chest. I pushed him away but he wouldn't let go. I eventually just gave up letting myself stay like that in my brothers arms. We stayed like that for a couple minutes until Jacob was busy again.

"Smokey, we need your help over here" one of the guys said breaking the silence.

"Okay" Jacob sighed standing up and giving me a smile that read it will be okay. But it wasn't gonna be okay and it won't be okay until Abby is back home in my arms.

"Okay" I mumbled, trying to fix my appearance. I probably looked horrible, but I honestly didn't care. My appearance is the last thing I'm worried about.

"You look exhausted, you should try to get some sleep. There's a couch in the other room. Thea can you show her?" Jacob asked giving me no room to argue. Thea nodded motioning for me to follow her. I hesitated but non the less did so.

She brought me to a small room with a few tables and boxes and a small couch in the corner. I wondered what this room was for. It didn't look very scary unlike the other rooms.

"I'll leave you here. Text me if you need anything" Thea smiled walking out. I took a seat on the couch looking down at my phone. We found out that Logan messaged me from a burner phone and they couldn't track it. So Jacob gave me my phone back after I promised I would tell him if Logan contacted me.

I dialled Aiden's number and told him to meet me here, 5 minutes later he walked in. He looked exhausted to, he's been out looking for Abby.

"Hey" I smiled sadly.

"What's wrong princess?" He asked, the nickname caused a small smile to creep over my lips. He could always make me smile, even if he was an asshole 70% of the time, moments like these made up for it.


"I doubt that" he muttered sitting beside me. "What's wrong? Other then the obvious"

"It's all my fault" I sighed putting my head in my hands.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm the one who brought her to the park. I'm the one who turned my back on her, I should've been watching her"

"Liv, look at me" Aiden said lifting my chin so are eyes met. "This is not your fault. Trust me Olivia"

I nodded with a small smile to reassure him, I just wanted to drop the subject. Aiden's phone beeped, I looked at him expectantly.

"It's your brother, he needs me" he told me. He gave me a hesitate look. "Will you be okay?"

"Yes. Go" I smiled. He hesitantly walked out. I laid my head on the couch, I might as well try to get some sleep.


I woke up to my phone beeping in my ear. I picked it up looking at the message.

Logan : I have your sister meet me at this location, alone by midnight of tonight or she dies. Tell anyone and I'll know.

Olivia: how do I know you won't just kill us both?

Logan: you don't.

Olivia: Fine. If you even touch Abby I will kill you.

I waited a second and when I didn't get another message I put the phone down trying to come up with a game plan. I needed to get past Jacob, that was most likely going to be very difficult. I had saved the location on my phone and I can take a bus so that wouldn't be an issue.

I hesitantly stood up looking both ways to make sure no one was there. I walked threw the warehouse with no problems, there wasn't anyone in sight. After cautiously opening the door to outside I steeped out and ran before anyone could catch me.

After I was safely a few blocks away I made my way to the nearest bus stop. I got on the bus as a million thoughts passed threw my head. Hopefully those fighting lessons are useful now because I will do whatever it takes to save my sister. As long as she makes it out alive nothing else matters.

A/N: this chapter is really short but I wanted to leave it here. Next chapter is going to be chaotic to say the least. I think you guys are gonna really like it, I enjoyed writing it!

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