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"Come on little man, we gotta go." JJ beckons softly to the three year old refusing to put on his pants. That has been the trend for the past four minutes now, but the little man was having none of that pant wearing business. The boy peaks at him from behind the curtains where he's 'hiding' at the moment, a toothy smile at him like he knew how much his antics was annoying his father. And he was having fun doing them anyway. "Guess I'm having all the banana bites."

Foul? Maybe, does it get the job done? Absolutely. The little man had an odd obsession with banana bites and yes he was going to use that fact to his advantage.

Less than a second later small feet carry the chubby infant to the couch where his father is slouched on. "Dada" He in no way acknowledged the kid, he had his fun time and now it was dada's turn. "Dada, bitey." His son tries again amidst giggles at his father's pouty mouth.

"Uh no it's all mine now." What? If the kid could be petty, so could he. But it's physically impossible to hold out on the little man. Large doe eyes stare at him in sadness like he just lost his favorite toy. Grabby hands try to pull him although with zero success. But he figured that it seemed the lesson has been learned. "Okay put on your pants and you get bitey." A little quid pro quo ain't never hurt anybody.

Pants on the appropriate body part, toy in hand they were all set to go. Of course not without his son's bitey. He reaches up in the cupboard and pulls out one of the snack and opens it before holding it out for his son. The blinding smile he gets in return will always be worth more than the rarest diamond in the world to him.

One more thing left to do. JJ heads up the stairs and straight for the first bedroom in sight.. "Get up Mel, you're gonna be late for school." His younger sister by seven years, Melissa groggily opens her eyes and glances at the time.

"I can still sleep for five minutes Jesse." She mumbles burying her mahogany colored head of hair into the pillow. He had never understood why people do that, five minutes of sleep is literally not going to change your life in any way.

"I have too much to do today so you're taking the bus, which gives you about 45 minutes to prepare and get to the bus stop."

A loud groan resounds from the pillow before she speaks again "And you're just telling me that now? Bullshit." She groans again.

"Bad word." His son yells giddily, jumping on the bed to tackle his sleepy aunty.

"I'm sorry Laney." With a quick kiss to her nephew's jet black hair, she brushes past him on her way to the bathroom.

Always ever the drama queen, but his blood nonetheless. He wasn't in the business of abandoning his flesh and blood. Especially after their mother's death four years ago. Both baffling and painful, she had been clean for 11 years. Ever since she found out that she was pregnant again, her baby girl. She wasn't trying to screw up another kid of hers. No substance, no cigarettes, no liquor, she got clean and actually kept a job this time. 11 years sober and suddenly she'd relapsed and OD'd on the same night. JJ had found their mother's body lifeless on the bed foam on the mouth, ME said she'd been dead for hours.

"Come on little man, your mama is waiting for us." When JJ's ex-girlfriend had informed him that she was pregnant, the news had come at a time when he so badly needed something to hold onto. Mom dead, dad ninety percent out of their lives, now legal guardian to Mel, it all overwhelmed him.

Until the night he laid eyes on his son, he knew at that moment that everything would be okay. Delane Caesar Jetter they had named him. Renee has a weird thing for ancient history.

Firing up the truck he set out to the auto shop where Renee worked inventory. She had their son weekdays and he had him for the weekend till Monday morning.

"Mommy!" Laney yells with a giggle immediately his eyes register the sight of his mother. JJ reverses his old beat up truck into the parking space before jumping out to help the hyper-active toddler out of his car seat. Little legs pitter patter to his mother who braces to catch him.

"Thanks for bringing him earlier." She thanks JJ with a grateful smile. Her hair in two flat braids, green overalls adorn her petite body and industrial boots sit comfortably on her legs. She really was a pretty woman, it just was never meant to be for them. Honestly Jesse thought they made better friends and co-parents than a couple.

"You're welcome."

Nothing really to say, he walks up to his son and lays a kiss on his mop of hair. "I love you little man."

"Love you dada." With joy in his heart and a courtesy nod to Renee, he hops back in his truck and proceeds home.

Upon getting home, he parks the truck and shuts it off. Switches the keys and gracefully swings his leg to settle on his motorcycle. Heading to his extracurricular, as a prospect with the Devil's Sons Motorcycle Club.

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