you make me happy

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letter #3,

Your my best friend and my lover. I was scared at first not of being with you I was afraid of losing you. Its like the clique story that I could never dream of happening to me. Our friends pushing us together and me laughing under my breath even though a little part of me hoped it was true.

I don't care if my mom doesn't like you because I love you. Shes tells me so many bad things about you but don't worry it will never change how I feel about you. She says were to young to know what love is but I've relied that love is when you put your trust 100% in one person. I would let you blind fold me and drive me across the country without telling me were we are going because I know that he'll take care of me.

Love is also when you cant see yourself without that person and your willing to die for them. Life was tearing me apart but at least I have you to help me get though it. I may be young but I can see in a house with two kids happy and with no worries.

I love it when your jealous because at least were both clingy and its not just me attaching myself to you. Its OK to be jealous because your everything a girl wants your sweet,funny, nice, a little perverted , cute, sassy, and a tad jealous. Its like I pulled you out of a teen romance novel. Your one of those boyfriend that I could have a life threatening disease and you would still kiss me goodnight.

You support all my dreams and help me see them like there going to happen tomorrow. You make me happy I never regret for a minute saying that i would go out with you.

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