Chapter thirty-nine

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Sierras pov

After a long day at school I found myself in the passenger seat of Aaron's car. Up to an hour ago I thought I would be leaving with Veronica and Steph but Aaron asked if we could hang out so I agreed. I never thought I would find myself sitting in his car again after our breakup but anything is possible. Aaron wasn't in the car yet though. He gave me his keys and told me to wait in his car because he forgot something in his locker. So right now I was scrolling through my Instagram feed. All of a sudden somebody slammed their body against the car. My body jerked upwards causing my phone to go flying somewhere in the car. I screamed and held my hand close to chest in horror. It was then I noticed it was Aaron. He was laughing hysterically at me and even fell to the floor. I opened the door and walked angrily towards him.

"That's not funny dumbass. I nearly had a heart attack!" I yelled

"Ok ok I'm sorry but you should have seen your face" he laughed "you were like AHHHH" he said recreating the face I made. I rolled my eyes at him and walked back to the car. He got into his side and turned to me. "Come on you have to admit it was funny". When I didn't reply he sighed. "Fine what can I do to make it up to you?"

I gave him a sly smile and turned over to him. I leaned down towards my bag and pulled out my makeup bag that I bring with me for emergencies. His eyes widened and then narrowed at me. He shook his head continuously.

"Yes" I said. "You would make a beautiful girl so come on"

"Sierra no I'm not putting makeup on face"

"Please" I pleaded

"I said no" he said. I knew he wouldn't agree straight away so I had to go to plan B. I dropped the bag in lap and looked out the window. I impulsively made myself cry. One of my weird talents. I then sniffed for dramatic effects. "For fucks sake" he mumbled. "Ok ok fine you can put your weird feminine products on me" he sighed.

I immediately turned my face over to him and smiled. "In fairness makeup is not just for girls. Boys wear it too"

He rolled his eyes and put the car in drive. "My house or yours?"

"Mine dumbass"

"I liked it better when you called me babe"

We parked in my driveway since since My mom won't be home for another hour and half. I jumped out of the car and slammed the door close. I ran over to Aaron and grabbed his hand. I dragged him to the door which I opened and up the stairs to my room. I sat him down by vanity and turned him away from the mirror so he couldn't see. "I'm so going to regret this" I groaned.

"Shut up" I laughed "you brought this upon yourself". I stood back and studied him. "I'm going to do a full glam look on you" I giggled.

Twenty minutes later I was nearly finished. "Stop moving or it will be a mess" I gritted out.

"It tickles" he laughed. I rolled my eyes and picked up the eyelash and glue. "Woah woah woah" he said backing away. "You are not putting false eyelashes on me"

"But without them it won't complete the look" I frowned. I brought him back to chair and sat him down. Once the eyelash had gone tacky I leaned down towards him and began fixing the eyelash to his.

"We are awfully close for just friends" he whispered. I could feel his hot breath fan against my face. I looked him in his eyes and gulped. He was right we were extremely close. Way to close actually. I quickly put the eyelashes on him and moved back and I smiled proudly. "Can I look now"

I nodded and spun him around in his chair. "Woah" he breathed and moved closer to the mirror. "I look like a slutty version of my mom". I raised my eyebrow at him. "No disrespect to her of course"

"There's something missing" I said crossing my arms over my chest trying to think. My mouth curved into a smile when I realised what was wrong.

"No! No you're doing it again" Aaron groaned
"Doing what?" I asked
"Whenever you get a crazy idea you're eyes literally twinkle"

I laughed and ran to my closet. I came back out holding two dresses. "Which one do you want to wear?"

His eyes widened when he realised what was happening. "No. I'm not putting on those dresses"

"Aaron cmon it will be funny"

"No I will look stupid"

"Do you want me to cry again? Because I will" I threatened

"God the things I do for you" he muttered. He looked between the two dresses that were hanging off both my hands. On my left was a little black dress and on my right was a red satin dress that had an open back. He grabbed the red one out of my hand.

"Good choice" I commended.

"So you want me to change into this dress right?"

"Yup" I said popping my p. I moved and sat cross legged on my bed and stuffed my mouth with some skittles that I had on my nightstand.

He smirked and dropped the dress on my bed. Without even giving me a warning his shirt was now laying in a heap on my floor. "AARON" I shouted. I could feel my face growing red in colour and suddenly found it difficult to breathe. His body looked even more sexier than I last remembered. I could tell he was working out more because his abs, muscles and v-line looked more chiseled and defined now.

"Nothing you haven't seen before" he shrugged

"Ok well quite frankly I don't want to see your hot body" that was a lie. If I could see him shirtless everyday, I would. "Plus there's literally a bathroom over there dumbass" I said pointing to the door that was next to my window.

His eyebrow lifted and then he placed a devilish smile on his face and walked over to me. "So I'm hot now?"

"W-What I didn't say" I stammered
"No I think you did" he laughed. He then started removing his jeans.

"No Aaron that's not necessary!" I yelled standing up.

"I can't wear a dress with jeans on, can I?"

"Oh my God" I heard someone whisper. We both whipped our heads to the door and the person that I least expected was standing right in front of us.

"Mom it's not what it looks like"

Authors note
Heyyyy my lovelies. I hope you are all doing well. First of all THANK YOU FOR 50k + READS. I am honestly so grateful to every single one of you who take time out of your day to read, comment and vote. Also I see everyone who comments and votes regularly and you all know who you are so a special thanks to all of you. You are all the shit

Let me know what you thought about this chapter. It was really fun to write. Lol I've always wanted to try makeup on a boy which is probably weird but whatever.

If you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote and comment and the next chapter will be out this Sunday
Precious x

Word count-1269

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