Chapter 2

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So after telling Em about my past with the 'hottie', she was absolutely shocked. I can't blame her really. Like who would believe that me, the shy girl, was best friends with the returning bad boy of Apple Valley.

"Ok so whats the plan the?" Em asked me curiously. "Well I'm planning on ignoring him for as long as I can." "Babes we both know that he's going to see you soon. Like you're going to definitely have at least one class with him." She always has to be right. "Ok yano what you're right but we'll see what happens. I'm not going out of my way to talk to him." Walking away from her, I headed to my next class.

Unfortunately that next class was math and Emma wasn't in this class with me. I sat down in the back of the class by myself. Now I wouldn't say I'm unpopular in school, it's just I wouldn't go out of my way to ask someone to sit beside me. My social anxiety gets to me when asking people questions. I sat waiting for the teacher to come in. Thankfully it was my favourite teacher, Ms.Murphy. Before she could start the lesson, the classroom door was shoved open. And none other than Brennan Cole walked in. And today must be my lucky day. The only seat free was the one beside me.

"Ok class today we have a new student, Brennan Cole. Brennan could you please introduce yourself to the class and then take a seat." "Ugh yeah sure whatever. I'm Brennan and I'm 18........." "Ok. Well welcome Brennan. Please find a free seat. Oh look there's one beside Olivia. Olivia dear could you raise your hand?" This is the worst day ever. Slowly raising my hand up and keeping my head down, the whole class staring at me. I could here his footsteps getting closer to me as I held my breath. As he sat down beside me he said nothing.

Throughout the whole class we sat in silence listening to Ms.Murphy. I wasn't complaining, I couldn't bring myself to talk to him after him leaving me for 12 years. A gruesome 50 minutes later and the bell finally rand. I slowly began packing my bag trying to keep away from the crowd. Looking up I saw it was just the 2 of us left in the class.

"You didn't think I'd forgotten you did you Livy?"

Brennan looks like he hasn't forgotten his Livy after 12 years!!!

How do you think Olivia is going to take it???

Will she accept him coming back into her life unannounced???

Word count: 466 words

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