Chapter 28 - A Miracle

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Omer, remembering how many times over the past couple of weeks causeless tears rolled on Defne's face, pulled himself together, and entered the room confidently and calmly. Putting the apple on the bedside table, he sat down next to his wife and took her hand. He removed the red hair behind the ears, wiped the tears from her face, and asked:

- My soul, what is wrong with you? Is something hurting you?

She shook her head and, sitting up in bed, impulsively hugged him. She pressed her head to such a dear and reliable chest and answered in a trembling voice:

- Omer, I'm afraid!

- What are you afraid of? - he carefully, as a child covered her with his big hands.

Defne raised her tear-stained face, distorted by fear, and Omer realized that her tears were not a whim.

- The doctor said that the term is about five weeks. So - it happened on the island...

She fell silent and sighed frantically.

- And? - Still not understanding Omer rushed her for an answer.

"After the island, there was the attack from Talat," tears rolled down from amber eyes. - And if he hurt the baby? - She pressed her hands to her stomach and screamed frantically: - If something happens to him, I won't survive it! He is my little, precious...

"Shhh," Omer's hair stood on end in fear, and anxiety tightly bound the insides in a knot, but he controlled himself. Defne needs care and support, which means that he should never give in to panic. Clutching her head to his chest, he spoke confidently and softly: - Do not worry. The baby feels your tears, and he feels bad too. I will call a doctor now and we will explain the situation to him.

The doctor came in a few minutes. He behaved professionally, but Omer noticed how, as they spoke of the attack, the wrinkle between his eyebrows deepened. After listening to the patient, he encouragingly patted her hand and reassured:

"Signora Defne, I'm sure everything is in order with your child." Yes, you experienced great stress and the first trimester of pregnancy is dangerous in terms of miscarriages, but since this did not happen, then your child is a fighter and is determined to come into this world.

- Is it true? - Defne looked at him as a messiah. "But is there any way to verify this?"

- Of course! The simplest and most accurate is to do an ultrasound scan. But here is a small problem. Today, Sunday and such studies are conducted only in emergency cases. We'll have to wait until morning. But I can say with confidence 99% percent that everything is in order with the baby.

"One percent is a lot ...," Defne answered quietly and turned to the window.

The doctor only shrugged, advised to believe in the best, and left. Defne covered her stomach with her hands and leaned back on the pillow. She looked in front of her blindly, in her head appeared the picture of the attack, and made her heart contract with fear. Here she runs away. Kivanc overtakes her, and she falls on the cold concrete of the roof. He piles on top of her and painfully pressed into it with his heavy body. Defne pressed her palms to her face, and then returned them to her stomach - protecting the tiny one that grew in her. Omer sat beside her and laid a palm on her hands.

"Don't worry," he asked. Inside, everything trembled with fear, but he smiled and spoke with absolute certainty: - Everything is fine with him. He is warm and comfortable now. He rejoices and wants only one thing from mommy - that she smiles and eats well.

Defne forced a tormented smile from herself, which did not touch her eyes and promised:

- I will try to.

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