Chapter 26

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I had trouble waking up the next morning. The blissful dreams of Alexander were way to comforting and the thought of having to go see Marcus dreaded me.

Perhaps I could've skipped a day, or simply called in sick; however Marcus had specifically dialed my phone leaving a message that referred to how he had missed me and wished to see me.

With a sigh, I tossed out of bed and didn't bother doing it so gracefully. Nor did I bother fixing up the creases that crinkled out on the sheets or even fix up my duvet.

Walking into my ensuite, I freshened up and tied my hair up in a high and tight pony tail. Today I wore a red, velvet materialized pencil skirt, with a black shirt tucked in, slipping on a long necklace with black, heeled boots.

Grabbing one of my many handbags, I didn't stick around my apartment any longer as I rushed down the stairs to leave.

Walking past the kitchen, I noticed a few dirty plates in the sink and I paused for a second.

Later. I thought to myself and with a smirk walked out of the door, slamming it behind me.

Some things could wait. Revenge couldn't.


Walking out of the elevator, I descended towards the very familiar direction of Marcus' office.

His door was surprisingly wide open and I took it as an open invitation. The halls were empty besides me, so I slowly walked towards the door and stepped in.

"Marcus?" I said as I spotted him with his feet up on the desk and the phone to his ear.

Marcus glanced at me and held up one finger silently telling me to give him a second.

I gritted my teeth, but did so anyways.

"Catelyn," Marcus sighed, "-when you get this call me back. I need you here and why the hell does this bank statement say half a million was pulled out of the companies budget?" Marcus spoke into the receiver with an annoyed tone as he held a paper, examining it.

I tilted my head at his words.


Marcus let out a sigh and ended the call as he tossed his phone onto his desk.

Getting up, Marcus fixed his tie and walked over to me with a smile.

"Victoria isn't this a pleasure," he cooed and grabbed my waist as he pulled me towards him.

"Always is," I grinned and batted my eyelashes at him.

I was getting rather good at role playing, it amazed me.

I tilted my head and put on a confused look as I looked at Marcus.

"What was that about," I asked referring to the phone call.

Marcus looked above my head and shrugged.

"Catelyn being Catelyn," he simply said with a grin and I let out a small laugh.

Marcus rolled his shoulders and rubbed his neck as he grunted.

"My phones been going off non stop. The invites were just handed out and everyone's in a hurry to-" he was cut of by a loud shrill.

Marcus' phone began to ring as soon as I opened my mouth to ask what invite he was talking about.

"You see?" Marcus mused and smirked as he walked back over to the desk and picked up his phone.

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