TWENTY-EIGHT: Where the Beauty and the Beast Go the Ball

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May 25th, the night of the prom

Andie stared at herself in the full-length mirror and felt, of all things, amused. Not since she was Andréa Donovan did she spend this much time in front of a mirror. The memory almost made her chuckle aloud.

The girl before her now was no Andréa Donovan, that was for sure. Nothing screamed that girl, not even her matching eye color and nose shape, not even her strong (what her mother called "boxy") jaw. No feature in the reflection made her think of the princess Andréa.

She didn't look much like Andie Logan either and she secretly didn't mind that much.

She fretted over some parts of the dress, fearing that they didn't look very fairy-tale-like. The front-laced corset around her middle and the tall standing "winged" collar behind her head made her wonder if she looked a little vampiric. Her designer friend at Sidney had said she had borrowed a few elements of classic vampiress wear in her design of the dress, mixing it with general Renaissance and fairy tale elements too.

Andie shook her head at herself. Her friend never should've told her about the vampire part. Now she couldn't help but see it.

There was a bustle in the back, long tapering sleeves, poofs at her elbows and shoulders and the fullest skirt she had ever seen in her life: total fairy tale princess stuff. She had to keep reminding herself of that.

	Attempting to settle all the millions of anxieties rushing through her, she kept her mind on last minute check-ups

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Attempting to settle all the millions of anxieties rushing through her, she kept her mind on last minute check-ups. She wanted everything to be perfect when he came for her, which would be any minute now.

Jerking her head to the left, she made sure the wig was still immobile, pinned to her head as if its life depended on it. It was strange to have a full head of hair again.

Of course, she never had had this much hair before.

There was enough to cover four heads, but she supposed a sweeping bouffant of this magnitude demanded vast amounts of hair. Just add the several curling tendrils tumbling down her neck and shoulders and she doubted even a Sidney animated princess could compete (and those bitches had more hair than humanly possible).

Oh to be a cartoon.

Along with the dress and wig, her friend had (upon Andie's request) sent several tubes and pots of the best stage make-up she could find. The stuff was indestructible and could cover anything from severe acne scars to other more debilitating skin deformities.

Like severe burn scars for example.

Andie had been able to almost completely eradicate her facial, neck and chest scars (took forever to apply the numerous layers) and was able to make her face all one color and nearly one texture, something it hadn't been in two years. There were still hints of the scars there, but nothing like what it was naturally.

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