Chapter 6: Ferria

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Greg approached William, ready to go on a journey.

"You already heard, good, we will ride within the hour." William said proudly.

"I don't understand." he admitted, checking his lucky rock.

"The army of Ash is riding out to meet with South Elm. King Theyren has agreed to meet me. We suspect a trap. I assumed you were informed." he said as servants fitted his armor.

"No. I came to tell you I was leaving." Greg said, looking confused.

"You must go with us, your strength could be useful if and when they decide to strike. We must move while there is a chance of truce or convenient counterstrike." he informed.

"I have to go." Greg said abruptly.

"You can't just leave on the dawn of battle." William sighed.

"I made the damn sword, we agreed there would be payment, my job is done." he said checking his rock again impatiently.

"So then you have no allegiance to anyone, do you?" William asked angrily.

"My word, and those few who have proven they honor theirs...nothing more. I made my blade, as soon as I am paid for it, it's your blade." he shrugged as Muradin approached in armor.

"Perhaps we can join them, follow the stones when it is over." muttered Muradin.

"Stones..." William sighed. "you will leave what is to be glorious battle and see your weapon in action, because you follow a stone? The priests said you were eccentric, but I expected more of you." he scoffed richly.

"And I expected payment for my work." Greg insisted. William shook his head, disappointed with his blacksmith. He motioned one of the advisors to pay him and he was off. Muradin kept silent until they were out of earshot from the city of Ash.

"I don't understand. Tell me what we are looking for." he begged.

"I don't know. The stone has always lead me, and I've always followed. I assumed it wanted me to join them, but the same night the army began prepping to go, it pointed away from the battlefield." he explained.

"How do you know this stone is leading you to the right place? This magic may be cursed, leading you away from your destiny." he noted.

"It leads me to the city as a boy. I was too weak to follow it through and my sister died. Had I followed it to the end, she may be alive. I ignored it when the elves took me in and offered to help me. I was betrayed. Now it leads me to my finest weapon and it is in the hands of someone who is as likely chosen to wield it, as I am chosen to make it. Now it wants me to go I go north." he said sadly.

"I cannot change your mind, and I swore an oath. So as much as I wish to ride with you into victorious battle and glory, I will also follow you into obscurity." he reluctantly nodded.

Bacon stood motionless, staring intently at a beehive, from a few inches away.

"There you are. Don't bother the poor bees, they have their own things to tend to." Miranda said trying to lead him away by the hand. There was no give, like trying to lead a house by one of the sturdy posts. She crossed her arms with a playful scolding manner.

"We have to keep going if we want to be safe, and I can't travel with a bee-hive." she insisted. He stood silently for a moment, casually turning to her and drooping a little as if sad that he had to leave the bugs and go. He lumbered along as she counted her supply rations.

A Story Less told (The Legend of Greg) Book 1 of 2Where stories live. Discover now