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Pikapika: are you coming to class today (y/n)?

it's almost time for us to go but i don't want to leave without you

Angryboi: Yeah, hurry the fuck up dumb bitch

I'm not waiting more than 5 minutes

Sharkeyy🦈: Bakubro, be nice

I'm sure she'll be here soon

Cutie<3: i don't think i can

i tried really hard to get out of bed, but everything is so spinny

Sharkeyy🦈: Wait, spinny?

Do you have a fever?


That's it, I'm going to stay with you today!

Mom🦋: I'm going to stay also :)

There's a special tea I have that I think will make you feel a lot better

Dad💓: Yes, do not worry about anything, (y/n)!

I will tell Aizawa you're all going to be absent for the day, and I will catch you up on everything later! Get some rest :)

Cutie<3: thank you ten ten <3

also, you really don't have to do that, guys 🥺 i don't want you to feel like you're missing out because of me...

Pinkbby💕: I would never feel like I'm missing out

I want to take care of you princess, you're very important to me

Mom🦋: I feel the same way, my love

You have nothing to worry about, okay?

Cutie<3: okay 🥺

i love you all so much, thank you <3

Izuwu🥦: Get well soon, (y/n)! Anything you need, I'm here :)

UwUravity<3: me too, my little star! get a lot of rest, okay?

Tododokidoki🙈: I'll be in later to check on you (y/n)

Cutie<3: okay, thank you guys! now, don't worry about me :) class is supposed to start soon

[cutie<3 has left the chat]


There was a gentle tapping at the door before I heard Momo's gentle voice, "Hey, sweetheart. We're coming in, okay?"

"Okay, thank you both for doing this for me," I told them, fidgeting with my fingers slightly.

"Of course, princess. Come here," Mina smiled, pulling me toward her on the bed as Momo pulled out a thermometer.

"Can you open your mouth please, kitten?"

I nodded, opening my mouth to allow the thermometer in. Momo glanced at it and let out a sigh of relief, "It's just a slight fever, so hopefully you're all better by tomorrow. Will you take some medicine for me, love?"

I nodded a simple yes before quickly downing the cup of medicine and making a disgusted face. It was cherry, the worst possible flavour.

Mina laughed slightly and handed me my water bottle while patting my back softly. "Good job, so brave."

I could tell they were trying to be as comforting and gentle as possible, and it was something I really appreciated. Usually I wouldn't like to be babied so much, but I felt really ill and welcomed the comfort. "I'm so lucky to have you both," I smiled, pulling them both into a group hug.

Momo smiled, pulling away to place a kiss on my forehead, "I'm going to go make you some tea, okay? If you want, Mina can put on a movie for the two of you."

I quickly thanked her as Mina looked at the movie choices, "what would you like to watch, hm?"

"Can you pick please?"

She nodded, putting on Ponyo before pulling me so I was in between her legs, my back resting on her chest. I'm so lucky to have friends like this.

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