Chapter 24

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 Physical Assault Ahead - There are markings to indicate the start and finish of the segment if you want to skip it. This one is a little sexual but like barely so YOU DECIDE!


I see an arm waving in front of my face.


"Did you just zone out on me the entire time i was talking to you?" you could hear the clear frustration in Aella's voice.

"Oh, um, sorry." I say softly. Thankfully with the werewolf healing, my wounds were no longer visible from the other night, but the imprint Jaxon left on me emotionally would never leave. It won't stop haunting me; all I see is him in my head, and I can't make it stop. It's been two days since then. I've basically ignored Roman, stayed in all day, and avoided as many people as possible.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem a"

I look up at Aella.

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired." I look away from her.

"Oh okay then. Just, go get some food. It's like 1 already and you haven't eaten breakfast or lunch."

I smile softly at her as she gets up from the couch we've been sitting on and makes her way outside.

~She's right you know, you should eat.~

~I can't~


Even Hazel is being soft and abnormally quiet, the attack left an impression on her too.

I get up and make my way towards the kitchen. Paola and the staff usually take a break after lunch before making dinner at this time, so I help myself into the quiet kitchen and look around the fridge.

"Hmmm let's see. There's some bagels in the cupboard, and I guess some leftovers from dinner last night..." I mumble to myself.

I feel a masculine hand on my shoulder. All I can see is Jaxon, images of that night fly back to the surface of my memory and I scream, jumping back from the person and whipping around to face them.

"Hey hey hey, it's alright. It's just me Makada. Calm down, it's just me." Nolan raises both his hands in a surrendering position and I let out a sigh of relief. I look away from him.

"Makada, are you alright? I've never seen you so...jumpy."

I push past him without looking at him and walk towards the pantry, pulling out a bagel.

"Yeah, I'm, I'm fine."

"Yeah and since when does Makada Dywer scream and run away from a potential fight? I should be on the ground right now, being punched around by you, I mean if I really did frighten you."

He walks towards me. I can tell he's trying to make light of the situation, but my face remains blank.

"Just tired." I try walking away and out of the kitchen, but he grabs my wrist. I flinch away and wiggle out of his hold. I just couldn't feel that kind of contact anymore.

"I'm fine." I mumble.

I can feel his eyes burning holes into my skull and I walk out.

2 hours later

~you're not even going to train?~ Hazel asks me yet again.

~I know I wouldn't be able to keep up~

~I know you're shaken up Kada, but you've just sat in the house all day, for the past two days. Sooner or later they'll get suspicious. And what are you going to do when Roman gets back?~

I look at the time - almost 3:30pm. Roman will be back in half an hour.

~I'll tell him I feel sick - that I've felt sick for a while and I don't want to see anybody~

~You think that will work?~

I sigh.

~I don't have anything else~

~And...if it doesn't work?~

~Hazel, please just give me some space. I'll say I'm on my period, okay? Can you stop now?~

She sighs and blocks me out. I'm sitting in my room again watching the sky turn a warm orange glow. It's starting to set earlier now, with the fall coming in...

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a kurt knock on the door.

I slowly get up and walk towards it. I know that Nolan didn't leave, so I expect it to be him. But when I open the door, what's turned out to be my worst nightmare is standing there.

"Missed me?" He snickers.

I step away.

"Baby I haven't even done anything yet and you're scared."

"Don't call me that."

"Oh? And why not, you don't like it if it's not Roman saying it, huh?"

He steps towards me.

"I didn't tell anyone, I didn't do anything. Please, just don't hurt me again."

He laughs darkly and walks closer.

(A/N: This is Where it starts - I'll explain important stuff and have another A/N if you wanna skip it.)

"Good girl, you followed directions. But, why would I want to miss out on the best part of my day?"

My legs hit the foot of my bed and I'm trapped.

"Why are you doing this?"

He steps closer.

"Did I say you could ask questions?" He grabs my face and smashes his lips on mine. I struggle and hit at his face but he pins my arms behind my back. So i start kicking him until I finally hit him in every man's weakness.

He groans and gets off of me. I try scrambling away but he grabs my legs and pulls me so I fall right on my stomach. He straddles my back, his weight making it hard to breathe. He pins my arms together behind my back, and uses his other hand to hold my head down sideways on the floor.

"Ahh, I see the mutt has marked you."

He moves my hair away so my mark is out in the open. I suddenly feel an awful pain, starting at my mark and traveling throughout my body. It feels like fire is traveling through my veins.

I try to scream out but he covers my mouth.

"What's wrong baby? You don't like that?"

I feel him lean down, and the pain returns worse. I look at him and see that his mouth is attached to my neck, to my mark. He's attacking it, but all I feel is fire. I hate him, and I hate myself for not being able to fight him. I feel dirty and guilty and weak.

He suddenly stops and gets off of me, my mark still aching but the pain substantially less. I lay there, still, on the floor. Panting heavily from the torture I just went through. There's even a light coat of sweat, glistening on my body.

"That's enough for today baby, but don't worry, I'll be back" he chuckles.

I try sitting up slightly, putting pressure on my elbows and crawling on my side.

"You're a sick monster."

He stops and turns to me.

"And don't you ever forget it" he spits. He kicks me and I collapse again on the ground.

(A/N: This is where it is done. This time he kissed her and she tried fighting him off but he's too strong, yada yada yada. Anyway he attacks her mark, but if anyone except your mate touches your mark it's like the worst pain ever, so.....yup. Thanks for reading and Stay Lovely! - Georgiana)

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