Chapter 13

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Lydia's POV:

He settled back in his chair, crossing his arms in a relaxed fashion as thought over something for a quick second.

"Well, before I get into that, there are a couple of things I think you should know beforehand," he inquired.

I just nodded, my mouth too full of food for any other kind of appropriate response.

The more information I can get the better.

"We as Lycans, for as long as our history has been recorded, have reverenced a Goddess. She is known by many names throughout the world; Selene, Cynthia, Diana, but we call her Luna, Goddess of the moon."

I found myself shifting my posture forward as soon as he began speaking, listening intently to each word.

Whether it was because of what he was saying or just simply the smooth tone his voice had.

"A lot of the beginning of our species history has been lost, but from what we have recorded, she's always been there. From the beginning of the history that we have, she's helped build and guide us as a hidden species. She's the one who bestows alphas with the power that we have, and we assume she's the one who gave us the power to shift between human and beast."

I had to catch myself from questioning him more about the power that the alphas carry.

Knowing myself if I had him stop to answer my question, only more would come from it and it would turn into a never-ending cycle.

But this whole mate thing has been practically haunting me ever since the word first left his mouth so I kept my mouth shut and listened.

"It's a give and take relationship between us and her. We heed and expedite her teachings and suggestions, keeping the land that we live in safe and sustained, and in exchange, she... in a way gifts us with ways that evolve the ways in which our species lives and grows. One of those gifts early on being the introduction of mates."

He paused for a moment, which wasn't odd until it passed a normal amount of time for someone to pause between thoughts.

And then I swore I could see just a hint of nervousness flash through his eyes

"Are the details of it hard to explain?" I asked.

"Uh..." He stammered a bit, eyes slowly shifting away from me and to the side. "Not exactly. It's just... I've been brought up with this information, and its normal knowledge and a common practice for us but it might come off as a bit... sudden for you."

Well, now I was even more curious.

Or nervous if the sudden sound of my heartbeat in my ears meant anything.

Which was odd...

Everything he's previously stated I took to well.

Despite it being new knowledge to me, it was like I had already accepted it as a fact without any further pondering.

I don't know why, but it just felt right I guess.

"Sudden how?" I queried.

Those alluring blue eyes fell back on me, causing a short burst of warmth to rise in my chest again.

I took another bite to distract myself as Luka cleared his throat, setting his elbows on the table.

"It's like a soulmate."

I nearly choked on the egg I was chewing, trying and failing to suppress the next couple coughs that forced themselves out of me.

I could have sworn he almost flinched at my reaction as if it hurt him.

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