11. Smile, after long

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I'm late. I hardly got time but still, I wanted to post today as per the schedule.  And also I wanted to Thankyou for votes on the last part . You guys are my Glitters💕

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Happy reading❤.

Part-11 Smile, after long

Following the address given by Mrs Annie's, Samaira reached the library. It was not far from the penthouse. As soon as she entered the place, she took in the surroundings. The place was big but had a homey and warm feeling to it. It smelt of books, her favourite scent, next to mud after rain, it smelt heavenly. 

In her school, whenever there was a free period, she used to spend her time in the library. Many classmates of hers used to call her a bookworm, maybe she was one. But then again, she has no one else other than books. 

She used to be a chirpy girl as long as her parents were alive. Then, no one scolded her and watched her under a scrutinizing gaze. But, some incidents have the power to change someone's life, personality and more. 

She got her library card and roamed around the different shelves. She went to her favourite genre, biology and medicine. 

All subjects related to the University's academic and research programmes had been included in the collection. The library also developed a core collection of media resources consisting of documentaries, training films, fiction novels, calming music for dental patients, etc.

She took 3 books and settled on a corner. She could see many students and others were busy with their work. She was randomly reading some new articles when she felt someone's gaze on her. 

She looked around and found a girl of her age looking at her, but as soon as she got caught, her gaze was back on her textbook as if nothing happened. 

Samaira didn't say anything, even though she was creeped out, and resumed her work. 

"Hey...." She heard her calling her. 

She upped up lashes and looked around first if someone was watching them or not. After seeing that everyone was busy, she turned to her and smiled.

"Are you a medical student?" The girl asked her in a whisper tone, following the number one rule of any library.

"Umm...No, why?" Samaira replied. 

"Oh, I saw your book, they all are on medicine and biology." She said, a little disappointed.

"Well, I'm preparing for it. That's why..." Samaira replied, tucking some random hairs behind her ear. 

"That's great, I'm also preparing for the same. Which college are you looking for?" She asked, suddenly getting excited. She turned to her, closing her books.

"I have attempted the national entrance exam, let's see what I get," Samaira replied in a low voice. She remembered how she gave the exam without letting anyone know.

Her aunt was extremely against her studying medicine because she would spend a lot of money on it. The kind of money she claimed to not have. 

But still, she wanted to do this. So, she studied day and night. It was her father's dream to see her as a doctor. He was not here with her, but the least she could do was complete his last wish.

"Cool! I'm also waiting for the results. Hey, I didn't ask your name. Sorry, what's your name?" She asked with a broad smile. 

She seems like an enthusiastic person. 

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