Chapter 2: The Lady Is A Strange Girl (Part 1)

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NOTE: uwu they're sooooo cute! Just look at them! Looking like a snack. I could just eat them up...


I woke up the next day with a stupid grin. The day before, after I had received the necklace, I had spent my time in the library, gathering information of the plants and foods of this world. Combined the information to my knowledge from the different Calistas from the future, I was prepared for today.

What was I going to do today? Well, make myself beautiful of course.

When I had gone over every future Calista memory, it seemed that my looks had been a huge cause that got me involved with the male leads. Why? It was because I was bullied and involved in some nasty rumors that associated with the male leads and the heroine. Although some of them are true, most of them fabricated out of lies for pure entertainment.

Ugh, disgusting society.

I guess that the ugly were the weakest and titles didn't matter to anyone at all. Right after the royal family was the duke household, so how could people below me bully me into a corner?

Because I was simply ugly.

I know I said I didn't want revenge but I still get angry when I remember the pain and suffering Calista went through.

I am, as I once said, a petty person.

I wanted that asshole of a prince to eat his words. That I, Calista Teodora Vasilis, am ugly.

Thank the goddess for cheats or else I would've stuck to the script.

This world had relied on magic to help them just as Earth used the internet. Magic came in different forms. They ranged from Common, Rare, Legendary, and Godly. Common magic being found in people was rare enough as it was, imagine getting Godly. Now that was rather interesting.

I stretched out of my bed and began the first 15 minutes of the morning to do yoga. It was part of my daily routine back from Earth and enhanced my height greatly. I remember beginning to do yoga with the height of 5'2 at the age of 14 until I was 5'6 by 16.

Being called short sucked, so I wanted to see my classmates reaction when they saw I was taller than them.

Good times.

Within ten minutes of trying different poses with my fat body, I felt it. I could feel a warm fuzz throughout my body and the negative emotions that once took over had completely disappeared.

Wait... No don't think, don't lose focus.

I shake away the thoughts and focused on reaching my fingers to my toes in a ridiculous pose. After a while, I stopped. I felt fresh, new even, I felt I could run a whole mile without stopping.

I hopped onto my feet with a bounce. The necklace glowed brightly before simmering down a few seconds. I have never been more confused in my life.

Why have I never felt this way during yoga from Earth?

I thought about it some more.

Yoga... a form of meditation.

Yoga is a cultivation, enhancing, and cleansing meditation that decreases negative energy and emotions. By meditating, I could remove the impurities that block my flow of income in energy and maybe even magic.

Magic... a form of energy.

I laugh when I figured it out.

I initially needed yoga to stretch my stiff joints, but it surprisingly helped suck the magic from the air into me.

The Loving Villainess Is A Ugly DucklingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon