Chapter 26 - Finding Out

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Mitchell (09:23) – How's Science Ame and Em? 😉

Fat Amy (09:24) – Boring, both bored! 

Fat Amy (09:24) – Where are you?

Mitchell (09:25) – I'm high, bitches!

Beale (09:25) – You better not me, Becs. @Conrad, you better not have done what I think you've done!

Conrad (09:27) – What do you think I've done, Beale?

Beale (09:27) – Given her a joint?

Junk (09:27) – Thanks guys, I got sent out! 

Conrad (09:27) – Yeah, no. I haven't. Besides, if she was smoking, she'd be in our spot, but she's not there, so I don't know where she is? How did you get sent out? Just go to the spot by the courts, and chill there, Em. I'll meet you there. X

Fat Amy (09:28) – Junk left her phone on loud, it was funny!

Mitchell (09:27) – Not, high as in drugged. High as in, I'm up high, if you catch my drift :P

Beale (09:28) – I literally have no idea what you mean!

Conrad (09:28) – Wait, have you found the fucking door?

Fat Amy (09:28) – What are you on about? Someone explain.

Beale (09:29) – I'd like an explanation too!

Conrad (09:30) – What door, Mitch?

Mitchell (09:31) – Science corridor, room S312, no entry door, just walk in, go up the stairs, there's a latch at the end, it's an easy door.

Conrad (09:32) – I've been finding that since Freshman, you've been here for 6 months and you've found it! Fucking hell, I'm on my way!

Beale (09:33) – Wait has she found what I think she's found?

Fat Amy (09:34) – BM found the door to the bloody roof!!!

Beale (09:34) – Bloody hell! Well at least we know where you are. What happened?

Junk (09:35) – Someone please explain?

Mitchell (09:35) – Screamed at Poison and legged it.

Beale (09:35) – What do you mean?

Conrad (09:36) – Shit, Posen saw me, abort mission, abort mission. ABORT MISSION!

Fat Amy (09:36) – I laughed so hard, I got sent out, thanks Legs! Junk, since being here since Freshman, we've been trying to find the door for the roof, and BM up there, bloody found it!

Chloe (09:36) - 😂 😂 😂 😂

Mitchell (09:37) – I was heading to Harris' office, and I felt sick you know, being hungover, so I stopped for a drink. She stopped me, tried to grab me, which she did. I somehow got out of her grip and ran. I just fucking ran, next thing I knew, I was on the third floor, saw a no entry sign. Went through and here I am on the roof. Tell no one!

Mitchell (09:37) - 😂 Amazing Ame, fucking amazing!

Fat Amy (09:37) – Not funny! I'm coming to you, BM!

Mitchell (09:37) – I'll be in Maths, I'm staying til the bell goes, that way I can walk around people. @Conrad, where are you? See you in a bit Ame's!

Conrad (09:39) – Sat outside Harris' office. Posen saw me and told me to come here. She's in with him now.

Junk (09:40) – I'm coming up, Beca.

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