~Chapter Five~

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A few long hours in the car go by, the very silent car might I add, I don't know what to say to this guy who I think just killed somebody, if not seriously hurt him. We turn the corner onto a very posh looking street, we drive for a little while longer passing grand houses, he turns driving up the driveway of a very nice looking house, wait he lives here?!

"Home" he smiles turning the car off looking back at me "this is where our family's gonna be happiest" he smiles getting out the car coming to my door to open it helping me out, just as someone from across the fence starts talking. 

"Anthony, it's lovely seeing you again it's been a very long time" a woman says standing on her side of the fence, I unclip Amelia carrying her out the car as Anthony puts his hand on my back.

"Yes I know it's been while,  but I'm back with company, my wife Freya and our new daughter Amelia" he replies walking us from behind the car, the woman puts her hand over her mouth shocked in a way.

"Wow you have been busy haven't you? Oh she's adorable well done, how old is she?" She asks looking at me smiling, this was when I had to think back to what her mother said in the shop.

"Just turned 4 weeks" I smile looking up at the woman but quickly back to Amelia, who laid her head on my chest, Anthony puts his hand on my shoulder moving me slightly.

"How sweet and might I say you're looking amazing, I wish I looked like that a month after having my kids" she says looking down at me, wow I don't know if I should take that as compliment or not as I actually haven't had a baby.

"I know I keep telling her that, anyway we better get going, it's been lovely seeing you we'll have to catch up soon" Anthony says continuing to push me towards the house, the woman waves goodbye as we make it to the from door "welcome home" he smiles opening it revealing the very expensive looking house before us, he gestures for me to walk in first as he takes the bags in.

I'm not gonna lie this house did look very nice and it was huge, as you walk in a huge staircase led to the upstairs. To your left was an archway which led to a living room and down the hall looked like a huge kitchen. I take slow steps looking around as he closes the door behind us locking them too, I forgot for a second we're here against our will. He places the bags on the floor but tells me to wait as he walks into the sitting room, I stand there but my eyes quickly dart to the front door but unfortunately he took the keys with him, come on Freya he's been clever about this he isn't just gonna leave the keys in the door, knowing you'd take full advantage of it. He walks down the hall from the kitchen, didn't he go in the living room though how did he get there? I was probably too focused on the locked front door to notice him. 

"I had to make sure everything was perfect before I gave you a house tour, come through" he smiles placing his hand on my back guiding me into the first room, which resembled a living room.

It didn't feel very homey though, the walls were a dark red colour all the furniture also a dark wood, there was a huge fireplace but the wall above seemed empty but as I look closer I see the wall was a shade lighter, like a photo was hanging there for a while. He spots me looking quickly pulling me out of the sitting room and into the room next door which was the kitchen which was also quite big, he moves closer to me which made a huge feeling of discomfort take over my body. He seems to move in closer as the door begins to knock, he freezes looking outside where the door would be and finally moving away from me and out the room.

I really didn't like where that was going, wait if he thinks I'm his wife he's gonna want to do things like that, okay I can't let that happen at all! I need to find a way out of this place soon before anything like that happens.

Loud male voices snap me out my worried thoughts, I slowly move to the kitchen door from there I could see the front doorway. Anthony was there with two other dudes who didn't look very happy, Anthony looks over towards the doorway of the kitchen. I dodge his looks and  move so he couldn't see me watching him, I wanna know what they're talking about without them knowing I know.

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