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"Shit... We have to go talk to her Ken," Grayson mumbled, running his fingers through his dark hair.

"We should wait until you bring her back to our house, doing it at school would be too messy," I told him.

"So I have to pretend like everything's okay for a whole day?" Grayson asked.

"You've been doing that the whole time you've been dating her Grayson, even when Kennedy and I both warned you about her," Wyatt noted.

"I know and I sorry Kennedy. Now I'm realizing that I shouldn't have trusted her. I always thought it was weird that everytime she was over she had to use the bathroom multiple times," Grayson sighed.

"She's probably been digging through my bedroom," I realized, "That little-"

"Hey, let's calm down a little bit. We have to head to class soon and you don't want to walk in looking mad as hell," Wyatt whispered.

I took a deep breath before turning to my brother, "None of this is your fault Gray, please don't place the blame on yourself." I pulled him into a hug and he hugged me back. The five minute warning bell went off and we pulled away.

"We better head to class, we'll figure out a plan later," I told them before kissing Wyatt quickly. I then mande my way to Arden and grabbed onto her hand.

"Ready?" She asked. I took one last look at my brother and Wyatt before heading to my first hour with Arden and Jess.

When Arden and I walked into the classroom everyone's attention was immediately focused on me. I tried to ignore all of them and sat down in my seat. Arden sat down next to me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"If anyone says anything to you, please tell me, so I can beat their ass," She whispered into my ear.

A smile broke out on my face, "Thanks Ard."

She gave me a soft smile before bumping her elbow into mine, "You better get your homework put before Mrs. J comes in."

I nodded and pulled my notes and homework out of my bag. Right as the bell rang Mrs. Jacob's came walking into the classroom.

"Pop Quiz over your winter break assignment!" She announced. Arden and I shared a look, neither of us was surprised because Mrs. Jacob's always gave pop quizzes after breaks.

"When I hand you your quiz, you'll hand me your homework," she informed the class. I pulled my homework out of my folder and waited for Mrs. J to come to my desk.

"Kennedy, could you please stay after class?" She whispered to me, soft enough so nobody else could hear it. I gave her a small nod as I exchanged my homework for my quiz. She gave me a small smile before moving on to the person behind me. Great, my teachers had heard already.

I shoved the negative thoughts out of my head and focused on the quiz sitting in front of me. I tried to finish it as fast as possible, and when I did I immediately flipped it over and rested my head on my hands. I couldn't bare to look at all of the kids sitting behind me because I knew they would either be staring at me or their quizzes.

Why did Kelsey have to be that evil? Did she seriously think that exposing my pregnancy would make Wyatt want her? She needed serious help if she thought that.

Finally, the bell rang and everybody got up and left. Arden made sure to ask if I was okay before leaving and I told her I would be okay. I knew Wyatt would be waiting outside the door for me, so I would be fine. I took my time putting all of my belongings back in my bag, so it looked like I was still packing up when it was just me left in the classroom.  Mrs. J went and shut her classroom door and sat down in the desk next to mine.

"I don't want to just listen to the rumors, I wanted to make sure I heard it from you," Mrs. Jacob's informed me. She didn't even need to say the words for me to knew exactly what she was talking about.

I let out a sigh, "Yes, I am pregnant. I'm seventeen weeks and three days."

"That's a long time to hide it hon. Are you okay?" Mrs. Jacob's asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My mom and brother are both super supportive and so is my boyfriend," I told her.

"Well, you just let me know if you need anything, okay?" She smiled.

"Of course," I promised.

"I'll see you tomorrow Kennedy."

"Bye Mrs. Jacob's." With that, I got up from my desk and walked out the door. Wyatt was waiting for me and I immediately grabbed his hand.

"People were staring at me as if I had shown up to school naked," I groaned.

"One of the boys on the football team had the nerve to ask me how long it took to knock you up," Wyatt grumbled. The things the boys on the football team said majorly frustrated me.

"Please tell me you didn't respond?"

"Of course not. I just ignored him," Wyatt promised.

I nodded, "Good."

"At least we can both deal with this together the next two hours, at lunch, and then in sixth hour," he reminded me.

"Yeah, but that also means we have to deal with it alone for fourth, fifth, and seventh hour!" I whined.

"Let's just pretend those hours don't exist right now," Wyatt shushed me.

"Right and let's make a plan of how we confront the wicked witch of the west herself."

Wyatt laughed as we entered our second hour, "Sounds like a good idea."

In that moment, I was very glad to have Wyatt right by my side. Instead of the stares being directed on me alone, they were on both of us. We shared the burden if the stares.


Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying this story! Next chapter will have some drama in it, so get ready for that! Thank you to everybody who is reading this story! We are so close to 100K reads, which is crazy! Thank you so much for that!! Have an amazing day! I love you all :)

xx - Sidney

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