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Carmen P.O.V.

   Walking into my second period history class I see Xavier walking in as well. We sit in back again and as I look up I see Avery running towards me. I side step her before she can run into me  she looks back at me and as a confused face then it dawns on her and she smiles a sad smile towards me. "How are you feeling after last night Carmen"? she ask. I look towards Xavier and see he is looking at me confused "I feel fine" I reply and nod my head towards Xavier and Avery gets the hint and sits on the other side of me.

   Getting up from my seat I feel someone pull my wrist back towards them. I look up see Xavier looking at my stomach I look down and see I bled through my shirt. I panic and try and run, but Xavier won't let go of my wrist. "Here" he says as he hands me his hoodie that has "The Vipers" gang symbol on the back, but since he's the leader the snake has a crown on it. I hurry and put it on "thank you" I say as I pull my hair our of the hoodie. "I'm not going to ask what happened till you're ready to tell me" he say sadly. I look down ashamed that this is happening to me, I grab his hand and interlock are fingers and say "lets get to third period or we are going to be late," as I drag him through the door. I look back at him and see him laughing and smiling down at me since our height difference is pretty severe.

   Sitting down at Avery's and I's lunch table I hear someone sit down next to me. Avery and I look up at the same time and see Xavier sitting to the left of me and Ryan sitting to the right of her. We all just look at each other and don't say anything to one another. I look around the cafeteria and I realize everyone is staring at us since the guys are sitting with us. The lunch bell rings signaling that lunch is over and it's time to go to 5th period that we all have together. "Hey guys wanna go to the diner downtown after school?" Xavier ask. I know that if I go I will get a terrible beating, but I need to live my life. I look over at Avery and she knows what's going on in my head as if she knows it will get really bad. She starts getting tears in her eyes and starts to say no but I cut in and say "yeah sure we'd love to". I look at Avery and smile a sad smile at her knowing that I won't see her for couple of days.

   Avery and I walk into the girls room after last period to talk about the diner. "Carmen, you know what happened last time you were that late. I didn't see you for days and when I did you could barely walk or even eat on your own." Avery says to me with tears in her eyes. "Avery, I know what I am getting my self into, but I need to live my life. It'll be worth it if I get to have some fun with my friends", I reply.

   We finish our conversation and walk out towards the entrance of the school to meet the guys. I look over to my left and see them leaning on Xavier's car and start walking towards them with Avery by my side. Avery gets in the back with Ryan and Xavier comes over to the passenger side and open the door for me once again. When Xavier gets in he grabs my hand and interlocks are fingers and starts rubbing the top of my hand with the pad of his thumb like he always does.

   Walking into the diner with Xavier still holding my hand I look behind us and see Ryan grabbing on to Avery's hand. Going to a booth in the back of the diner a waitress comes over and starts looking at Xavier and I can feel myself bubbling in jealousy and anger. I unwrap my hand from Xavier's as he looks over at me in confusion and reaches for my hand again, but I pull it away from him. I'm not angry at him, I'm angry at myself thinking that it's even possible for him to like me like I like him. Nobody would ever like me like that.

   After the waitress leaves Xavier catches me off guard and grabs my hand in a tight hold, so I cant pull my hand away I turn my head to the side slightly and smile a small smile to myself, so no one can see me. I'm not gonna lie and say I don't like the tingling sensation he gives me because I really like them I feel calm and at peace with him and truth be told I even feel safe. As we are all eating I realize that I'd be okay when I got home because I got to be happy and nothing could ruin that me.

   We decided to drop me off first, as I get out of the car Avery and Xavier get out with me. Avery walks up to me with tears in her eyes "Carmen, I love you okay? I want you to hold on it'll be over before you know it," Avery says to me with tears rolling down her cheeks knowing this is going to be bad. As Avery gets back in the car Xavier comes over to me and hugs me like his life depended on it. When he pulls away I start to take of his hoodie, but he stops me "no, keep it on you might need it," he says to me. "Thank you for today I had a great time you have no idea what you did for me," I say as I get on my tippy toes and hug him and as I pull away he pulls me back in and hugs me longer. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks as I pull away slowly and kiss him on the cheek and turn around and walk back into the hell I call home.

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