The Best Woman - Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


She comes into sharp focus, and for a minute, I can't breathe.

How the hell is anything this beautiful?

Rationally, I know kissing her is a bad idea. Bedding my brother's best friend is likely to get messy, but deep down, I don't really care about that. Not right now anyway.

I've had enough whiskey to tell me this is a good idea.

Screw it, I should just kiss her. She's in my arms, looking up at me like she wants me to, hands on my naked chest. I gulp as the gravitational pull of her lips makes me feel like I'm going to combust.

How messy could it get? So things probably wouldn't work out – I screw up, it's sort of my thing – and it would get awkward. Dayton would be pissed, my parents would never shut up about it, Callie's parents would hate me.

Yeah, so it could get quite messy.

Still not sure that's enough to stop the inevitable. I could be told that kissing Callie would cause an apocalypse, and it wouldn't deter me.

She comes to her senses and steps back, dropping her hands from my chest. Clearing her throat, she says, "Dayton's worried about you."


"He tried calling, and you didn't pick up."

"So, he's not my dad." My voice sounds slurred even to me.

She pushes me backwards and kicks my door closed. Now we're really alone.

I gulp as a fire ignites in my stomach.

"Bentley, don't," she whispers, no doubt seeing the lust in my face. I want her so bad, I can't think straight.

"Don't what?"

"You know what. Sit down, and I'll make you a coffee."

"I don't want coffee."

She pushes me again, and I stumble backwards, grabbing the wall to stop myself falling over. "Jesus, Cal."

"Please don't make this harder. Go and sit down, I'll join you in a minute when I've made a drink and..." She snaps her mouth shut.

I tilt my head to the side. "And what?"

"Nothing. Sit down."

"When you've calmed down?" I ask breathlessly. "Because you want me to take you upstairs as much as I do?"

Stepping backwards, she shakes her head. "Go and sober up, Bentley. It's far too early for you to be wasted, not to mention the fact that you're alone."

"Lying to yourself," I mutter, turning around and leaving her in the hallway.

I slump down on the sofa, lay my head back and close my eyes. She's probably going to be annoyed with me tomorrow. We're going to spend even more time together soon she plans Day's wedding, and I'm forced to help out.

I don't actually mind helping out. He would do the same for me. Not that I can picture myself walking down the aisle.

The kettle boils in the kitchen. She'll be back in here soon, and I need to get it together. Scrubbing my face, I sit up and screw the lid back on the Jack Daniels.

I straighten the car magazines and switch the TV off.

Callie walks in, holding two mugs in her hands and a bag of sharing Maltesers between her teeth. She puts the coffees down and throws the bag on the middle seat of the sofa.

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