Thursday, June 11 2020

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Hi! This is the first day in my journal. So let me explain some things so you can understand. The time is still during the pandemic, but I'll try not to write too much about that. I live in Yosemite National Park, CA and I have an AWESOME life right now. I live near the bottom of the waterfall and I have a beautiful view out my window. Every day, (before COVID-19) I would walk to my school, which I could also see out my window. Your school probably has a couple hundred students and at LEAST 40 kids in your grade. Well guess what. My school has a TOTAL amount of 35 kids. In the WHOLE school. There are only three teachers, one aid, a principal and a secretary (Plus the Janitor). The school is called Yosemite Valley School and the grades range from TK to 8th.
The park usually has over three million visitors which come mostly in the summer so you can imagine the traffic. Usually around this time, there are lots of people snooping around our neighborhood and some of them even think that it is a display of how people used to live and come inside of the houses or eat on our picnic tables. UGH.

So let me get into what I actually did today. My parents have made us a schedule so we have to do school from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm and it is SOOOO annoying. Luckily, I got to step away from it for my graduation. This graduation is actually a phone call on zoom where the teachers show us our certificates and then we get them later. My mom let me skip the rest of the school day as long as I took care of my little brother Jamin! Hooray!!! It was a high of 88 degrees🌡 and so then I asked my friend Amber (also on Wattpad check her books out. They're great! Sapphire_Brezze ) if she wanted to go swimming in the river. She said yes (of course) and we met there at around 2:30 pm. I had to wear a mask though. The park had re-opened the day before (Wednesday) and there were already so many people! Amber and I had our doubts about the park re opening and were sure to stay far far apart. The water as still freezing and we took so long to get fully wet. Or at least I did, Amber didn't seem to mind the fact that WE WERE LITERALLY SWIMMING IN SNOW!!! We swam for about 2 hours. Then our older brothers came. Then, I actually got WattPad and uploaded a couple of my stories. We wrote for a little while and then amber decided she was going to go home because she was thirsty and other stuff. After that, we had pizza 🍕 (me and my family) and watched E.T. Today wasn't the most exciting day, but I'm sure it'll get better.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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