Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

It was a week after the party and Aditya had to go to the US for 15 days. He was leaving on Sunday night and Anaira had asked him to spend the Saturday with her.

Anaira just had 3 weeks before she completed her internship. Aditya had decided that he will ask Anaira to be his girlfriend officially once he comes back from the US. Anaira too had decided that she will tell him about her family once he is back.

On Saturday, Anaira had decided to cook for him. She had prepared few of his favorite dishes. He had been very busy these days working on the new project. They hardly got any time for eachother.

She was still cooking when Aditya had arrived. He gave her a warm hug and kissed her on the cheek. They had got this comfortable with each other now. It didn't feel that awkward anymore.

He helped her with few things to give finishing touches to the food. They arranged the dishes on the table and sat together to eat.

Anaira had placed few scented candles and flowers to create a pleasant ambience. It was simple yet beautiful.

"Why did you take so much trouble? We could have gone out, you know." he asked.

"But this is different and special. I wanted to cook for you and you're going away for 2 weeks. I wanted to make today special so that I can remember this and try not to miss you too much." she replied.

"Oh, so someone's going to miss me." he said smirking at her.

"Won't you miss me? I know you won't. Where will you get time to miss me? You'll always be busy with your work." Anaira said trying to make a sad face but failing miserably.

"That's true and I have many friends in the US, I'll be busy spending time with them." he said to irritate her.

They enjoyed their dinner pulling each other's legs and talking random things. He helped her clean the dishes later.

They sat out in the balcony after sometime. Anaira had made his favourite chai. They held their hot cup of chai and sat next to each other. Anaira was looking at the night sky. It was beautiful, peaceful and relaxing. After finishing the chai she leaned over and kept her head on his shoulder. They sat in silence, a comfortable silence. Sometimes words are not required at all. All you need is a person that you love and feel connected to.

"Anaira." he called after sometime.

"Hmm." she hummed in response.

"I'll miss you. I wish I could take you with me. I asked dad if he can go instead of me, but he's busy here." he said.

"I'll miss you too. Don't worry, your work is more important." she replied.

"What have you decided to do after the internship? We haven't discussed about that." he said.

Anaira sat straight at this question. She didn't know what to say now.

"I don't know. I'll think and tell you once you're back from the US." she replied.

"What do you mean you don't know? You only have 3 weeks." he asked. He didn't like people who didn't have definitive plans. He liked everything very organized.

"I know. It's just that I have to discuss with my family as well. I will definitely let you know when you're back." she said.

"Okay. But be ready with your decision." he told her.

"Okay. Now stop talking about work. You are leaving tomorrow and all you talk about is work. Say something else." she said.

"What should I say?" he asked in a low voice.

"Anything, apart from work." Anaira said.

"You look beautiful." he said and Anaira was surprised at this sudden compliment.

"I like it when you blush at my words. Like an apple." he said placing a hand on her red cheeks.

"Your cheeks are feeling hot. Why do you blush so much?" he said cupping her other cheek as well.

Anaira looked at his face, meeting his eyes. They held something in them, like a magnetic force. So mesmerizing and captivating.

"Your eyes, they're beautiful." she said caressing his face.

They were close. Aditya just wanted to kiss her, but the thoughts running in his mind confused him. But he pushed the thoughts aside. He looked at Anaira, her eyes held the same emotion, confusion. She gulped at his intense gaze.

"Anaira, can I.. " he didn't get to complete his sentence. She knew what he was asking. She just closed her eyes, giving him the permission. She wanted to know how it feels.

He kissed her like he's kissing a flower, carefully, slowly and with full of love. They both had poured all their emotions into the kiss. 

Aditya had kissed few times in the past, but nothing ever felt like this. Fireworks or butterflies, he was confused.

It was Anaira's first kiss. She was happy that it was with the man she loved. Anaira felt like her heart would explode any moment. 'So this is how a kiss feels like!!' she thought.

They broke the kiss after few seconds. Anaira felt too shy to face him, she just hugged him tight hiding her face in his arms. He just smiled hugging her back.

After sometime, Aditya made her look at him.

"I wish I could stay here but I have to leave now. I have packing to do and a meeting tomorrow before I leave. Need to complete few things before that." he said.

"You take care, okay?" he said and Anaira just nodded her head.

"Aditya." she called him when he was getting ready to leave taking his car keys. He looked at her.

"I will wait for you. Please come back soon." she said.

"I will. I promise." he said hugging her and kissing the crown of her head.

After Aditya left, Anaira let her tears flow. She didn't want to cry in front of him. She didn't know why but she didn't want him to leave.

She felt that she should have told him about her identity before he left. For the first time, she felt like she was betraying him for some reason.

She just prayed to god that Aditya takes it well when she would tell him.

She was sure of one thing now, she couldn't live without him. He meant the world to her now. She had many times imagined, how the future would look like with him. She was soulfully in love with him.

She kept her finger tips on her lips, still feeling the kiss. 💞

End of Chapter 21!!

Hope you like it. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Also please let me know if you identify any mistakes. I will be glad to correct them. No one's perfect!! And English is a funny language 😄

I will try to update the next chapter soon.

To all the people who are reading and voting, thank you so much for your support 🙏

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