30 | angry alpha

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Telling Theo may have been one of the scariest things to do-- his face red with anger and I could almost see smoking coming out of his ears as if he was a cartoon character. 

"Theo--" I hesitantly stepped closer to him, anger radiating off of him. It was as if he couldn't see nor sense me as he flew into a deep rage, completely ignoring the fact that I was beside him. 

Theo growled angrily, his fists slamming on the table in front of him as the people around him bent their heads to bow down to their Alpha. 

The girls and I had interrupted their meeting to tell him about Ella, the room filled with men Theo trusted along with Jack. 

"How could you let this happen!" He roared at Faith, my wolf whimpering slightly as his wolf was fueled with so much anger. Faith bowed her head at Theo, attempting to hide a small whimper from him as her entire body shook.

I frowned at Theo but with his back turned he couldn't see. He shouldn't be yelling at her-- her mate is missing. 

"I'm sorry, Theo--"

"Alpha Theo, have you seemed to forget that I am your Alpha here?" He snarled, getting closer to her. "Are you speaking to the shit stuck to the bottom of your shoe? Look up when you speak to me!" He growled viciously, had he had his fangs out spit would have surely hung off from him. 

I clenched my teeth together as I narrowed my eyes on the pair, my blood boiling as I watched how Theo was treating one of his closest friends. 

This was wrong. Yes, Faith made a mistake but surely it was punishment enough having to lose sight of the love of your life.

Faith looked up from the floor, her eyes trained on Theo's chin. While looking an Alpha in the eye was unacceptable, looking straight down on the ground as you speak can be seen as disrespectful. 

"I'm sorry, Alpha Theo." Her voice was weak and trembling, her eyes still glossy-- she has been crying this entire time, ever since she barged into the bedroom where the girls and I sat. 

Theo stepped closer to the crying wolf, who was attempting to stifling her cries by biting harshly on her bottom lip. "I should throw you in the basement for what you've done." My eyes went wide as his words, light muttering surrounding the room as the wolves quickly spoke among themselves.

I've had just about enough of this. 

"Theo!" Instantly, his head snapped to me and I could see clearly how black his eyes had turned. "That is enough, she gets the message." I snapped, gritting my teeth at him. For that moment, his face expression softened but he was quick to retract-- his face harden almost instantly. 

He glanced back at Faith for a moment before stepping back and clearing his throat. "Out," 

My mouth fell open, "Excuse me?" He turned his head to me, his face expression was concentrated, clenching his jaw for a second. 

"The four of you need to leave now, Ella is missing and we need to figure out where." I nodded back at him, clearing my throat-- my heart still heavy due to the situation. "Now go," He ordered.

The girls and I quickly made our way out of the room, Faith taking the most time. My heart ached for her-- this was not a good day for me. 

When the girls and I were out, Faith was quick to run upstairs-- Eliza following behind her as she called out for her friend to slow down. Lia stayed behind with me. 

I sighed, placing my hand on my forehead. What has this day become? 

The day began happily, I was spending time with two of my favourite people-- Lia and Eliza-- and then Ella's disappearance hit me like a wind storm. I felt my lip tremble as I thought about Ella but I shook it off. 

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