vi. on repeat

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THERE WAS A THUNDERSTORM the day of Maggie's seventeenth birthday. As per usual, Maggie was up way before everyone else was. But instead of nightmares, her sleep was broken by sporadic claps of thunder and flashes of lightning casting an eerie glow through her window. From her spot resting against the headrest of her bed, Maggie thought the flashes looked like fireworks, bright sparks of white that marked the special day she was born. It encouraged her to get a closer look, so she heaved one of her aunt's knitted blankets over her shoulders and stuffed her feet into a pair of Vera's old bunny slippers, padding downstairs to sit in the bay window of her aunt's study.

Here, she had a clear view of her backyard, the dying grass that lead to an aged but sturdy wooden fence, and beyond that, miles upon miles of bushland. Her backyard was alive with shadows, thunderclouds dancing in reckoning, only to be broken apart by momentary sparks of light. Maggie could almost believe they were glimpses of the sun hiding behind the darkness, if it wasn't for the sky's roars and the rain gushing down on their tiny town, threatening to swallow them whole and never let them free.


There was a sharp tap on the study door, followed by a creak as Dakota stepped inside. Her arrival brought the sounds of her other family members. She could hear Wren arguing with Zeke and Everrett singing along to the radio, Vera telling everyone and no one the new gossip from town. Lost in her thoughts, in the war happening up above, Maggie hadn't heard them wake up.

"Oi, Maggie!" Dakota groaned, snapping her fingers in front of Maggie's face. "I know it's your birthday and everything, but that doesn't give you an excuse to ignore me. I'm not Zeke."

"Sorry," Maggie giggled at her. "Is breakfast ready?"

"Yes, and we're waiting for the guest of honour to bring her head down from the clouds so we can eat," Dakota muttered, just bark and no bite. "Now up you get or I'll eat your pancakes."

"No you won't," Maggie scoffed.

Though she wasn't going to take any chances. With one last glance outside, Maggie followed Dakota out into the kitchen. Her arrival sparked the classic 'happy birthday' tune sung by everyone, Zeke's loud croons echoing over the others.

"Happy birthday, darling girl," Wren said into Maggie's ear as she embraced her youngest in a hug. Then, in a voice too soft for anyone else to hear, she whispered, "Your mama would be so proud of you."

Maggie smiled happily, allowing her aunt to usher into the chair at the head of the table, the one usually reserved for Wren herself. Everyone else soon joined them, Everrett putting together Maggie's plate for her before Zeke could scoff everything down. Most of the meal ended up being a silent affair, aside from the occasional mutters of plans for the day and Everett's radio playing some old country song.

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