e i g h t e e n

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[a/n : this chapter was literal hell to write. apologies in advanced bc... phew. my writing has gone downhill.]

Later that week, Jay and Aspen approached a miserable-looking Elle outside of her homeroom before lunch. "Such a face," Jay mused lightly, a smile on his lips. When Elle didn't return his energy, his grin diminished. "What's up with you?"

A deep sigh left the girl's chapped lips. "It's been a long week," was the only explanation she offered. Jay still seemed curious, but Aspen understood perfectly. She had watched everyone's moods go through cycles in what had felt like the longest week of their lives. She didn't blame Elle for being exhausted.

"Well hey," Aspen began in an attempt to lighten the mood. She allowed a soft smile to tug on her lips. "Do you guys have a game today?"

To everyone's dismay, Elle nodded. She had an extremely distressed frown on her lips and her eyes sagged tiredly. "Unfortunately, yes," she grumbled. For the first time in her entire life, Elle Simmons would rather die than play hockey.

Aspen's smile immediately fell from her face, instead being replaced by an uneven grimace. "Oh," she responded crestfallenly. So much for that idea.

"Sorry," Elle apologized, though she couldn't tell if she felt more sorry for herself or for her friends. She let out a hissing breath as she attempted to collect her thoughts through the pounding in her head. "Why?" she was finally able to ask.

Aspen just shrugged nonchalantly, not offering much of an answer. Jay shoved his hands into his pockets. "We were gonna work on our history projects at my house today. We'll probably end up watching a movie or something later too," he explained halfheartedly. The idea wasn't nearly as appealing anymore, knowing that Elle wouldn't be there. Their friend group just wasn't the same when she was absent.

Elle felt as though she could cry. She would've loved nothing more than to spend the evening with her best friends, just like they used to. She let out an aggravated groan. "I wish I could go," she said earnestly. Her frown deepened. "Honestly, this game today is stressing me out more than it should," she confessed.

Jay gave her a sympathetic pout, reaching out and patting her arm comfortingly. Aspen wrapped her arms around the girl's torso, giving her a tight hug. Elle let out a calm sigh as she returned her best friend's embrace, her eyes squeezing shut. After a few moments, Aspen retreated, letting her arms fall slack at her sides. Elle swept her appreciative gaze over both of her best friends. "I love you guys."

They both responded with matching smiles. Jay wrapped his arm around the girl's shoulder, pressing a brotherly kiss against the crown of her head. "We love you too, buddy," he murmured gently. Aspen nodded in agreement, her gaze adoringly flickering between her two best friends. When a subtle silence befell them, Jay cleared his throat and unwrapped his arm from Elle's shoulders. "Alright, enough of this sentimental bs. Let's go eat."


"Aspen, don't you dare," Peter threatened, his back straightening in an attempt to appear bigger than he actually was. Being the shortest of the three boys was a huge blow to his ego, so he often used Aspen's short height to his advantage. He was almost the exact same height as Elle, something else that bothered him greatly. He didn't hesitate to tower over Aspen when he could.

But his height had no affect on the fact that she was holding a container of glitter dangerously close to his history project. 

Aspen arched an eyebrow, her blue eyes glistening mischievously. She had been gunning for payback since they first arrived at Jay's house, as Peter accidentally drew on her poster in permanent marker. It was his mistake for leaving his project to go to the bathroom. "And if I do dare? What're you gonna do about it, Petey?" she asked tauntingly.

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