Author Note

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Dearest Reader,

It is a truth universally acknowledged that not all stories stand the test of time, but it is my firm belief that the message of tolerance, love, growth and of breaching class divides within Pride and Prejudice is as relevant today as it was in Jane Austen's time.

While balls, marriages at the age of fifteen, and long conversations about the lace on Mrs. Hurst's gown may not resonate with modern audiences, those timeless lessons should still be within reach of modern readers.

It was this firm belief of mine which saw me undertake a task which has, to date, been undertaken by many others; to adapt this story for a new audience. While Mr. Darcy wasn't a vampire, and there wasn't a zombie in sight, it's fair to say that the dangers of traversing love, etiquette, friendship and feelings of inadequacy are all very familiar to young people these days.

How many times have we been too stubborn to change for the better?

How often have we envied people we have claimed to love?

How many of our parents have given us silly nicknames which make us want to crawl into a hole and die?

I hope that this foray into youth, growing up, falling in love, and finding one's purpose and path in life has entertained and resonated with you.

Thank you all for supporting me on my writing journey, and for indulging my Jane Austen obsession in this modern take on Pride and Prejudice or, as it was originally titled by the author, First Impressions.

Much love, as always,

Clarissa North

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