15. Plot twist

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*Warning* Slight sexual content


I was a privileged boy growing up. My parents would give me anything I asked them for, whether it was a new PlayStation game, a new car or a 30 feet yacht. Maybe it was because I was an only child, or maybe because my dad was screwing his secretary and thought that any distraction would help him cover up his tracks. I'll never know. All I knew was that driving to school in a Bimmer definitely increased the chances of  maintaining a good status, getting a scholarship or getting a blow job from a teacher.

All my life, I was taught that money was the solution to any problem. Well, my mother stuck with my dad even though she knew he would screw her over any chance he got. I guess she wasn't ready to give up her weekly diamond shopping spree.

It was mostly true, money did make a lot of my problems go away, like when I almost got suspended for having sex in the principal's office. Turns out he resigned a few days later and rumors swirled that he was living a pensioner's life somewhere in Thailand. I guess the donation my dad gave him to replace his desk was pretty generous.

However, I learned pretty quickly that money and status couldn't in fact fix any problem. There was no infinite amount of money or fame, which could get me out of this whole Jessica situation.

After continuously arguing whether I was still in love with Lisa, I lost the plot . After all she wasn't wrong. It was definitely something that she did not want to hear, but it needed to be said. She gave me a mouthful of swear words as expected, and also a few slaps, but eventually she figured that her efforts were all in vain and stormed off.

So here I was, staring at the beach from the kitchen counter, wondering how on earth I would approach Lisa. Surely, she must have heard our conversation, so it was up to me to put things into perspective.

I poured myself a glass of Bourbon and chugged it down in a few seconds, before heading upstairs. I took a deep breath before knocking on the bedroom door. After what felt like hours, Lisa gently took her time turning the door knob and opening the door.

The sight before me was not what I expected and my breath hitched, along with my d*ck. I had never seen a dress so revealing, accentuating each and every crevice and curve. The length was modest, reaching down to mid thigh, but the plunging neckline left nothing to imagination. The woman before me could easily make any man ... or woman weak to their knees.

Realizing I was drooling, I swolled my spit and diverted my eyes away from her chest. "Wow", I began. "You look ... great".

She raised an eyebrow before saying, "Is your girlfriend gone?".

"She's not- We're not together", I said trying to find my voice. "We were seeing each other for a while, but she obviously misunderstood the nature of our relationship".

"Right", she said as she moved aside to fix her earrings in the mirror.

I eyed her one last time from top to bottom, whilst trying to control my growing erection. She was the only woman who had this effect on me, without physical contact. "Going somewhere?", I asked as I leaned on the doorframe.


I raised an eyebrow at the simplicity of her answer.
"What about what the cops said? It isn't safe Lis".

"I'm not going to stop living my life cause of some psycho".

"Yeah, I get that. But honestly, what the hell is Lydia going to do if something happens?" I asked. "I'm not being sexist, just realistic".

"You don't have to worry about that", she simply said.

"How can I not worry? Have you seen yourself? Any guy you encounter is going to want to rip your clothes off".

I regretted my words the moment they left my mouth.

"I didn't mean -

"So you're saying that I should be raped solely on the basis of my clothing?". Her eyes had narrowed and her arms stiffened beside her.

"No - fuck", I screeched staring at the ceiling. "I just meant, you'd be safer with a male chaperone.. that's all".

She rolled her eyes and turned towards the mirror, giving me her back which included a view of an also very daring back line. "Well, you don't need to worry about that", she started, "I've got it covered".

I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head, trying to find her eyes in the mirror. "Got what covered?".

She turned around and gave me a mischievous smile before saying, "a male chaperone".


After storming upstairs, I made my way to Ben's room, which was now mine, and sat in front of the vanity mirror. I barely recognized the person staring back at me. I felt my eyes start to water, but I immediately wiped off any residue. He didn't deserve my tears.

I wasn't naive, I knew Ben was popular with the ladies, and I knew he had been going around. Lydia never failed to keep me updated. I just didn't expect such a scenario to exhibit in front of me.

I soon decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and pulled myself together. My hair was a mess, it looked like it hadn't been brushed in years and the eyebags under both my eyes made me look older than I actually was. Soon enough, I was rummaging through the bag Lydia had packed for me whilst I was at the hospital. It wasn't long before I started abusing my hair, straightening it to make it appear longer than it really was. My face was next. I always preferred the natural look, but it wasn't going to cut it this time. I wanted to look like anything but myself.

I stared at the mirror, content with the work I had accomplished. I never thought the smokey eye look would suit me, but it had fit my intentions perfectly. I took a deep breath and reached for my phone, dailing a familiar number.

"I was awaiting your call", he said.

"Thanks for the flowers", I said, biting my lip in the process.

"You're welcome, I hope you like Dandelions".

"You know they're my favorite Clark", I lied.

"I may have guessed".

"So .. I was thinking I could thank you in person".

"Only if you're up for it", he said with worry evident in his voice.

"Don't worry, I'm fine", I said smiling. "So, how about tonight?".

"Tonight", he chuckled . "Someone's eager".

I immediately blushed and cursed at myself for not being so subtle.

"It doesn't have to be tonight, maybe next week or -

"I'll pick you up at 9pm", he said, cutting me off.

"I'll text you the address ", I said with a grin plastered on my face. Until I realised it was 8.30pm.

I spent the next thirty minutes looking for something decent to wear. I hadn't packed anything other than sweatpants and tank tops. Truthfully, I hadn't thought I would be here for long.

I vaguely remembered Lydia mentioning packing some 'revealing' outfits to make Ben taste a little of his own medicine. Rummaging through all the boxes, I finally found what looked like a dress. Although, at first glance it looked more like lingerie, considering the low neckline.

Without giving it a second thought, I put the dress on and modeled in front of the mirror. It fit like a glove, the way it hung on my waist accentuated all my natural curves. There was no doubt that I would be receiving male attention tonight, but I didn't care.

I just wanted to feel desired.


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