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One day while Krishna was playing with his small playmates and Balarama.All his friends joined Balarama in lodging a complaint with mother Yasoda, 'Mother;' they submitted, "Krishna has eaten earth' 

Upon hearing this from Krishna's playmates, mother Yasoda, who was always full of anxiety over Krishna's welfare, picked Krishna up to lock in to his mouth and chastise Him. Her eyes iearIul, she spoke to her son as follows:  Dear Krishna, why are You so restless that you have eaten dirt in a solitary place?'

Lord Krishna replied, 'My dear mother, I have never eaten dirt. All My friends complaining against me are liars  If you think they are being truthful you can directly look into My mouth and examine it'

Mother Yasoda challenged Krishna: "If you have not eaten earth,then open Your mouth wide' .When Krishna was ordered by his mother, he immediately opened his mouth just like an ordinary boy. Then mother Yasoda saw within His mouth the complete opulence of creation. She saw outer space in all directions, mountains, islands, Dceans, seas, planets, air, fire, moon and stars . Indeed, ma Yasoda saw within the mouth of her child everything necessary for the cosmic manifestation. Upon seeing all this she became struck with awe and  wondered whether she was dreaming or actually seeing something  extraordinary. 

Then Lord Krishna expanded his internal energy, and Yasoda forgot all philosophical speculation and accepted Krishna once again as her own child.


              -RISHA SRINIVAS

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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