Chapter Sixteen - Pearl POV

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I watched as Max and Lilith swam out before turning back to my so called, "mom".

"What's this whole thing about being my mom?"

"Whole thing? I am your mom. The mermaid you say is your mother isn't your mom."

"But why have I never been told about you?"

"Your father never talked about me?" She looked defeated.

"No, never."

"Fine. Then I'll tell you about me." She took a deep breath before continuing. "When you were first born I wanted to keep you safe, so I started practicing magic. At first it was simple protection spell, then I realized that it wouldn't ever stop you from swimming near the shore, so I learned transformation spells. Until then I was learning these spells in secret, even your father didn't know about it, but my transformation spells made humans into mers- like your, friend. And soon word went around that humans were becoming mers and I was the only one not surprised by it. I was so young and naive then, I would cover my tracks better now, but then I was "visited" for a "random" search. They found out then and cast me out, I couldn't even say goodbye to you! I was heartbroken. At first I stayed close to the village, but then resources became scarce so I had to move. And I had to keep moving, there was no place were I had everything I needed. I found an old map and followed it. At one point I left it in a cave and followed it by memory-"

"I know about the map. We followed it." I kept my voice emotionless.

She let shock leak into her eyes but kept going. "Then I found here." She spread her arms above her head. "I befriended the sharks so they could protect me and started practicing magic once more. I used magic to make a current that lead me right to the village, and I used it to check on you in secret, and transform humans. You're welcome." Her face softened, and she looked like she was waiting for something.

What did she want from me? A thank you? She's insane! She spied on me in secret and transformed people to "keep me safe"! I shook my head at her.

"How does that protect me?!"

She looked hurt at my tone. "Because, it makes the humans afraid of water, and makes the chances of them finding you low."

I couldn't believe her. I didn't believe she deserved to be a mother.

"I'm glad that I was lied to about who my mother is. You're toxic."

And with that I turned around and swam out, against her cries.

"No, wait, please! I love you! I want to be in your life again!"

It hurt hearing her sad cries but it was necessary. I didn't want her in my life.

I saw Max and Lilith and swam over them. I was still stuck on what happened and didn't want to talk.

Back at the village

I saw Lilith asleep on Max's chest and had a moment were I was proud of her, before I told Max to tell her I went home. I rushed away from them. I had so many questions for my parents.

I swam as fast as I could. I didn't care who I bumped into, I just keep swimming. When I finally reached my house I didn't stop, I swam right inside.

I found my parents sitting on the rocks right inside. I was breathing heavily and had a distressed face. My parents noticed right away and swam up to me.

"Pearl, what's wrong? Are you OK?" My "mom" asked.

I stayed quiet.

"Pearl, talk to us." My dad said.

I pushed away from them, shut the door and asked, "Who's my mom, my real mom."

I looked up at them and saw them share a look of shock.

"How much do you know?" My dad asked.

"That my real mom is a sea witch who transformed humans into mers."

My dad sighed. "I was hoping you didn't find out but, here we are."

My mother held him close before he continued.

"Yes, that's right. She's a sea witch that would transform humans into mers and was soon cast out. I still loved her even though everyone else saw her as a sea witch. I gave up on her after some time when I realized you should grow up with a mother, biological or not." He looked over at my non-biological mom. "And that's when I met Lucy."

They looked lovingly at each other. I decided to let them be.

"I'll leave you two alone. I need to take everything in."

And I swam away to my room, trying to go over everything. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe that most of my childhood memories involving my mom, didn't involve my real mom.

I laid down and just tried to sleep. It was just after midday but I just needed to relax.

After a while my thoughts finally started to fizzle out and I could sleep.

~Thanks for reading!
Hope you liked knowing what happened with the sea witch and afterwards.
Enjoy the story :)~

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