Chapter 10

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DAY 10

Amity's POV

Left. Right. Right. Left. Right.

Titus was fast, and hard to keep up with. Soon the trees had no leaves and the ground was covered with snow. The Winter section. There he was again. I just caught a glimpse of his legs running through the trees, shaking uncontrollably.

He was only running because he thought that Mara, Lance, Torah and Alabaster were with me. But nope, I'm all alone.

I might get kicked out of the Career alliance for this. But I don't care. Once I kill Titus, only 7 of us will remain. Apollon already told me the day before he died that he and the District 4 tributes had planned on killing Mara and Alabaster in their sleep.

So that's what I did. Well, only to Mara. Alabaster was just beginning to wake up so I ran for it. The cannon that sounded just as I left sure as hell woke them all up. They probably think Titus killed me as well, what with them being stupid enough to not have someone watching when the others are asleep. Careers have won for the last nine years in a row, but I don't know for how much longer that'll stick. I mean, I'll obviously win this year, but the Careers are starting to get too confident and some of those low-lives from the other districts are banding together.

All of this ran through my head as I chased after Titus. I was catching up but was not sure if I wanted to. I was panting hard. I was used to running, but Titus was fast. And crazy.

'What the hell?' I cursed. Titus had disappeared. Gone. Vanished into thin-

I was knocked over with the force of a bull at full speed. Titus had just whizzed past me, and I sat on red snow. Why was it red? Was it made that way? Did Titus still have the fresh blood of his victims on him? Or was it because ...

Titus had bitten a chunk out of my foot. And he had run off, still holding his axe. I tried to get up, but my foot felt like it was on fire. I cried. Stop it. You're stronger than this.

Titus had gone, but the axe was still 20 or so meters ahead of me. I heard footsteps. Perhaps Titus had returned. Footsteps again...

... only footsteps could be heard as I stepped up onto the stage. The crowd booed - a 13 year old girl couldn't represent the first district of Panem in the Hunger Games! As I reached the top of the stage, the other girl, the one I had volunteered in the place of, began walking down in shame - she would be an outcast for the rest of her life. The escort, a fat lady dressed in all black, asked my name.

'Amity Asengelle.'

When more than one person wanted to volunteer, which was every year, the possible contenders were put in a miniature arena the size of a courtyard with nowhere to hide with a stack of weapons in the middle. Alliances were not allowed. Once one person remained, they were taken into custody by the district leaders until they were announced the next day at the Reaping should they still want to volunteer. Districts 1, 2 and 4 called this the Preliminary Hunger Games, and the Capitol approved.

I was the last one left. And I still wanted to volunteer.

The whole district was surprised when I stepped on to the stage. Well, except for my mother. She knew I would win. 'You are so lucky,' she'd always say. 'I always dreamed of representing my district in the Hunger Games. Represent your district with pride.'


That was the last word my mother said to me.

And it was not at all I felt when I saw who picked up the axe.

I continued to cry, my breath heaving.

I am not proud of murder. I am not proud of dying.

Even though I am outnumbered, and can hardly walk, I can still win.

Though it took me a few seconds, I finally stood to face the District 7 tributes.

Soon, the girl had thrown Titus' axe, and I remembered my mother's parting words.

My Games: Johanna MasonWhere stories live. Discover now