14 | riddle

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Why do we know but act like we don't?


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In the Dark - Camila Cabello

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"See ya 'morrow, chamo, yeah?"

Ashton gave my shoulder a killer punch as a "friendly" goodbye, slinging his backpack over his own. "See you, Ash," I replied as we parted ways.

The school bell rang, initiating the great avalanche—also known as the consistent flow of hurried teenagers I was now dodging. Today had been a good day and good days weren't something that common— which is, I guess, why I was feeling this abnormal confidence when walking towards the one locker the way to which my feet knew by memory already.

I didn't know exactly what it was I wanted to say nor do, but the fact that I needed to see her was certain. It felt like a sort of addiction I was developing, unsure whether to feel concerned about it or not.

With the gentle and almost feathery movement of her hand, her locker was closed. She was wearing a checked overall dress over a turtle neck. The outfit looked comfy, simple and petite. Just like herself. She nearly jumped out of her skin the moment she saw me.

"Sup!" I chirped, unaffected by her not-at-all-friendly squinting of the eyes. 

"Alvarez," she continued to scrutinize me with those honey eyes, her tone of voice complementing the aforementioned not-at-all-friendly aura.

"Princesa," I smirked.

"Do you take pleasure in frightening people?" 

"Hhhm no, not particularly," I answered, after feigning deep consideration. "I've come to you with good news. You know the French project we collaborated on?"

"You mean the one I practically did for you?" She began walking somewhere, holding a lime green folder in one hand. I followed unquestionably.

"Precisely. Well, wanna know the grade I got?"

"Or the one I got you," she mumbled under her breath but I caught anyway.

"Drumroll please. . .", I made a dramatic pause, "a glorious A-star. Now isn't that spectacular?"

"Mhm," she hummed absent-mindedly, "splendiferous." Her lack of interest in what I was saying was above normal today. 

"Where are you heading to? You're not enrolled in extracurriculars, are you?"

"Oh, I've got tutoring in the library. And, actually—", suddenly, one of the many doors we were walking past flung open, two girls stepping out and colliding with Audrey.

"Well hey! Long time no see, eh?" A bubbly girl with dark curly hair exclaimed, referring to Audrey. She then spotted me and instantly altered her demeanor. "Whoopsie, didn't mean to interrupt anything," she said in an undertone, eyeing us two. I stood back, uncertain, watching as she dipped her hand into a small paper packet and tossed a nut-like substance into her mouth.

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