Chapter 18: Bloody

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The next day while I was in class, focusing on the lesson that was on going, I heard a voice beside my ear.

"This is boring. How are you so focused on it?"

I glanced at my left shoulder to see Kyrillos sitting. I quickly looked around and after I confirmed that none of the students could see him I harshly whispered to him, "Why on earth are you here!?"

He hopped down from my shoulder to my desk and stared at all the notes I have written. "Such a hard worker."

I took in a deep breath and tried to focus on the lesson once again but Kyrillos was having none of that.

"Hey focus on me."

"Hey. Hey. Heyyy."

"Lilyana don't ignore me."


I held my pencil tightly as I try to compose myself, "Please keep quiet. I need to focus on this lesson."

"But it's so boring~" he fell to his back and rolled around in my notes.

I glared at him. 'Does he think he's a child? Grow up old man.'

I lightly picked him up and set him aside, "The lesson is almost over, please wait until then." I whispered before turning back to the lesson.

"Fine." he pouted, sitting patiently at the side of my desk, observing every action I made.

The lesson finally ends and I let out a sigh before turning to Kyrillos who was still quietly waiting. I poked him slightly, "I'm done with my lessons for now."

"How many do you have left?"

I stared at my fingers before lifting up five fingers. He blinked before shaking his head, "That is ridiculous!"

I shrugged, trying my best not to gain anyone's attention as I continue speaking to him, "That's school life old man."

"I already told you to stop calling me that!" he angrily stomped his feet.

I watched as he threw a small fit before he grew tired and sat back down. "Finished? Then you can go back first. I'll visit you once lessons are done."

"No I'll wait."

I let out a small snort, "You can wait that long? I doubt it."

My comment made Kyrillos ticked off. He pointed at me and yelled, "I can wait! Just you see!"

I nodded, "Yes yes if you can I will clap and praise you."

Soon the next lesson started one after another. I glanced over at Kyrillos once in a while to see if he would give up and leave first but he continued to stay. Some lessons made him pay attention while some made him bored and drowsy.

"And that is the end of today's lesson. See you tomorrow, class." the teacher said as they shut the textbook loudly. On time the bell rings, startling the asleep Kyrillos.

I giggled at him before picking up my bag. "Lessons are over, come on let's go." I called him.

"Hm okay.." he yawned as he flew over to the top of my head and got comfortable. I sighed but didn't do anything to get rid of him.

"Cath, I'll be going first." I said.

"Where are you going?" Ralph asked, pushing his glasses up slightly.

"Oh to the-"

"Don't tell. I don't like people randomly coming except you." Kyrillos cut me off as he played with a strand of my hair.

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